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Skylar's pov 

recently Austin has been really distant and short with me, I'm so worried that he's cheating on me with Abigail because they have been texting and hanging out a lot, we used to be a friend group of 6 but Taylor slept with a guy she knew I liked and with the guy that got Maddie pregnant while they were still together, me and the other girls haven't talked to her since and I'm terrified because Austin and Abigail are acting the same as Taylor and the guy I liked. 

I'm currently walking to the park because Austin said he wanted me to meet him there in the very back 

a:" hey baby "

he leaned in to kiss me but I turned my head away 

a:" what's wrong baby "

s:" Austin you've been distant and short with me lately, your hanging out with Abigail a lot, I can read between the lines either you cheated or you want to break up so just get it over with "

a:" baby you've got it all wrong, I've been hanging out with Abigail because she was helping me pick this out "

he got down on one knee and opened a box to reveal a ring with a infinity sign with diamonds on it. 

a:" baby, with everything that's been going on lately with my grandpa and my music you've been there for me, anything I needed I could always turn to you and you wouldn't complain about it, I can't tell you how blessed and grateful I am that I have you, some of the very last words I ever heard my grandpa say were always love her with your whole heart and never stop fighting for her, Skylar Gardiner this ring is my promise to you that nobody could ever love anybody as much as I love you and I will never give up on us, please wear it as a sign to the world of my love for you and when I'm not physically here to show you, please look at it and know how much I love you "

we were both crying at this point 

s:" you gotta stop making me cry with your beautiful words "

we both laughed 

a:" so.... Will you wear it? "

s:" yes of course "

he gets up and puts it on my left ring finger 

a:" perfect fit "

s:" how did you know my size? "

a:" Abigail told me, do you like it? "

s:" yes I love it it's so beautiful "

a:" just like you "

s:" I love you "

a:" I love you to " 

after that we kissed and started dancing to our song which is yours by Russell Dickerson 

we kept dancing for a while then he took me home 

mom:" what's that on your finger "

s:" the promise ring Austin gave me "

her and my sisters SCREAM

s:" Jesus guys, we're not engaged "

they said they wanted to see it 

mom:" oh my god, it's so beautiful "

all my sisters agreed 

h:" just imagine what the engagement ring will look like "

I roll my eyes, honestly if we do get engaged I'm not going to care about the ring, all I would care about is that I would be marrying Austin, the guy I love. 

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