study date

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I was currently sitting on Austin's floor studying but I notice that he keeps staring at me. 

s:" why are you looking at me like that "

a:" cause your beautiful "

I looked down and shook my head, I have always been insecure about my looks and my body which is one of the many reasons I never let myself feel anything for guys until now because I feel like I wouldn't be pretty or sexy enough. 

s:" no I'm not "

a:" baby please look at me "

he grabbed my chin and lifted my face up to look at him, I was surprised to see a pained expression on his face. 

a:" baby please don't think that, your beautiful inside and out and anyone who says otherwise is a damn fool, not to mention your sexy as hell "

I chuckled 

a:" promise me you'll try not to think that way, ok baby "

s:" I promise "

I had a question that was driving me insane and after about 20 minutes I decided I was just going to ask it. 

s:" hey Austin "

a:" yeah "

s:" what do you think is sexy about me "

he scooted closer to me and placed a hand on my thigh. 

a:" well I love how you get nervous when I'm around, I love when you catch me looking at you you blush, I love how selfless you are, I love the fact that you sing, you have a great ass and don't even get me started on your tits " 

he moved my hair out of the way and started kissing my neck using his tongue when he found my sweet spot he started sucking and biting I moaned, he then started squeezing my boob, he continued for a minute or two then he slowly slid his hand down into my shorts and started rubbing my clit over my underwear for more friction 

a:" does that feel good baby "

I was a moaning mess at this point 

s:" yes oh my god your good at this "

a:" Just so you know we don't have to have sex if your not ready I will never pressure you I just want to make you feel good "

God I love this boy

s:" I love you "

he smiled and started kissing me while still rubbing my clit until we heard his mom's voice 

m:" Austin I'm home "

we quickly went back to our books and acted like we weren't just making out because we heard her coming up the stairs. 

m:" oh hi Skylar I didn't know you were here "

s:" yeah me and Austin are having a study date, I pulled a muscle in my back today at cheer and I didn't feel like going out was a good idea "

m:" oh honey are you ok do you need a ice pack "

s:" I'm fine it should heal pretty quick I would love a ice pack though please "

she got me a ice pack, I laid on it for about an hour then Austin took me home. 

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