meeting his family

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Skylar's pov 

Austin told me that mema and his cousins want to meet me so I'm on my way to meet them since their in town. 

Austin looks over at me and notices that I'm playing with my bracelet which is something I do when I get nervous. 

a:" baby, don't worry their going to love you "

I looked at him and somehow every time I see his beautiful eyes, I instantly feel better so I smile. 

s:" you think? "

a:" I know, if anything my cousins will love you a little too much for my personal liking "

that's one of the many things I love about him, he can always make me laugh. 

s:" I love you "

a:" I love you to "

he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it then held it the rest of the way to his house. 

we walked in and I was met with a dog, so me being me I bent down to pet it. 

s:" hey cutie, what's your name "

a:" that's angel, hey girl "

we went to the living room where his family was. 

a:" hey guys, this is Skylar, Skylar these are my twin cousins kyle and Jackson "

they were both staring at me with open mouths. 

a:" dudes, close your mouths your gonna catch flies" 

j:" dude we need to talk about how you got a girl like that cause damn "

s:" nice to meet you "

mema:" boys come help me or I'm going to have to get out the wooden spoon "

I love her already 

a:" mema this is Skylar "

mema:" oh my gosh, so nice to finally meet you sweetie "

she came over and hugged me 

s:" nice to meet you too "

mema:" my oh my you weren't kidding when you said she was gorgeous, you two will make beautiful babies "

a:" mema! "

me and Austin were both blushing 

mema:" what you will "

we sat down to eat dinner 

k:" so Skylar, do you do any sports "

s:" yep allstar cheerleading"

j:" dang double whammy, gorgeous and a cheerleader "

a:" what's the worst injury you've ever had "

s:" my knee, I threw a double full and busted, blew my acl, mcl and my miniscus all in one shot and there were two sprains "

a:" oh my god when did that happen "

s:" I had surgery a few months before I met you "

we finished eating and Austin was taking me home 

a:" baby, you know your amazing right "

s:" how so? "

a:" you had that horrible injury yet you still came back, that takes a lot of guts"

s:" not really when you've been doing this for ten years "

a:" it's funny how doing flips doesn't scare you but meeting my family and friends does "

s:" oh shut up "

we got to my house he walked me to my door kissed me told me he loved me then left and I went to bed. 

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