the new neighbors

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Skylar's pov 

today we got some new neighbors and my mom invited them for dinner so I'm getting ready doing my makeup and getting dressed 

* ding dong*

the whole family is standing at the door when my mom opens it 

mom:" hey guys, come on in "

we all introduced ourselves and I kept noticing their son, Noah was staring at me 

Noah's mom:" you and Skylar should hang out until dinners ready since you are close in age"

we both nod and go outside 

n:" so Skylar tell me about yourself "

s:" well, I sing with my sisters "

n:" wow that's so awesome, maybe after dinner you guys can sing "

s:" yeah I think we could "

n:" great, I look forward to it * wink * " 

then my mom called us in for dinner and we sat down 

Noah's dad: " Noah I see you staring at Skylar, be a man and ask her out already "

we both just sat there awkwardly for about five minutes until his mom spoke up 

Noah's mom : " wow that ring is beautiful, where'd you get it?" 

s:" oh my boyfriend Austin gave it to me "

I noticed Noah's face fall when I said boyfriend 

Noah's mom : " well that boys got great taste" 

I chuckled then we finished eating and warmed up our voices and now we're ready to sing 

n:" wow you guys are amazing "

his parents nod in agreement 

s:" thanks "

we sang a few more songs then me and Noah exchanged numbers and he left so I was now FaceTiming with Austin 

a:" hey baby, how'd the dinner go "

s:" good but their son was flirting with me "

a:" he knows your taken right? "

s:" yes "

a:" well if he hits on you again I'm going to have to break his face "

I laughed 

s:" you always make me laugh "

a:" I try "

we talked for about another hour, told each other we loved them, hung up and went to bed. 

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