new kid

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Skylar's pov 

I'm currently sitting in science class right now and a new boy sat next to me 

t:" hey I'm Travis "

s:" hey I'm Skylar "

t:" beautiful name "

t:" thanks "

Travis looks like your stereotypical bad boy, black hair with a streak of blue, ice blue eyes, piercings and dressed in black to be honest he kinda scares me

in the middle of the class I felt his hand on my thigh and it kept going higher then he whispered in my ear 

t:" what do you say we get out of here so I can bang you "

s:" excuse me "

t:" I want to fuck that pussy of yours, I bet it's really tight "

s:" well your NEVER going to find out because I have a boyfriend " 

t:" so "

s:" never gonna happen because unlike you he knows how to treat a girl and not break their heart "

t:" whatever " 

after class I went to Austin's locker, went behind him and covered his eyes 

s:" guess who "

a:" umm... Barbie "

I started dying laughing 

s:" nope guess again "

a:" my beautiful girlfriend "

s:" ding ding ding we have a winner "  

a:" thank you thank you very much "

I looked down at the floor but Austin lifted my face to look at him 

a:" hey what's wrong "

s:" nothing just a guy hit on me in class and asked me to have sex with him "

a:" can't blame him, your hot "

I chuckled then I noticed Austin looking at something behind me 

s:" what are you loo-"

he cuts me off by kissing me at first I was a little shocked so I didn't kiss back but I quickly got over it, his tongue glided across my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gladly granted, he then grabbed my butt and pulled away 

s:" I'm not complaining but what was that for "

a:" that guy behind you was eye raping you so I showed him who you belong to "

s:" that's the same guy I told you about "

a:" get behind me "

I got behind Austin and saw Travis walking towards him looking like he was about to kill him then Travis  punched him in the face then Austin got up about to punch him but I got between them 

s:" don't, he's not worth it "

a:" your right "

s:" c'mon let's get that lip cleaned up "

I took him to the coed bathroom and he sat on the toilet so I could see his lip, I touched it and he winced in pain 

s:" I'm sorry "

a:" don't be, I'm a man I can take it "

I chuckled 

s:" seriously, you just got punched in the face and your still trying to make me laugh "

a:" I feel better when your smiling "

I smile, clean the blood off his lip and go to walk out when he grabbed my wrist 

a:" you forgot something "

s:" what "

a:" you gotta kiss it better "

I kiss him then pull away 

s:" better? "

a:" I think I need one more "

I kiss him passionately then pull away 

s:" how about now? "

a:" much better "

s:" c'mon let's go to lunch I'm getting hangry"

he chuckled then we go to lunch 

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