getting to know you

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Skylar's pov

after school I texted my mom to tell her that I was going to be tutoring Austin and that I would be back in time for cheer practice and walked to Austin ' s house, turns out he only lives a couple houses away from me. 

when I get there I ring the doorbell and a lady answers. 

s:" umm... Hi is Austin here "

Michelle :" yeah he is Austin get down here there's a pretty girl here to see you  come in sweetie "

s:" thank you,  miss Mahone? "

m:" please call me Michelle "

s:" ok Michelle it is "

I walk in and he has a gorgeous house not surprised though, he is a pop star. 

a:" hey sky"

m:" sky is that your name? "

a:" Skylar this is my mom, mom this is Skylar 

s:" nice to meet you "

m:" the pleasure is mine "

she gave her son a " don't screw this up" look and I laughed. 

a:" I'll show you to my room "

s:" ok "

when we got to his room his walls were covered in posters from his mahomies and his bed was in the corner Austin shut the door. 

a:" so we can focus "

I nod

after about 45 minutes of studying we decided to take a break. 

a:" let's play 20 questions "

s:" ok "

a:" I'll go first, what's your last name "

s:" Gardiner "

a:" like the Gardiner sisters "

s:" yeah "

a:" wow you guys are amazing "

s:" thanks, what's your favorite food "

a:" PIZZA! "

I laugh at his childish reaction 

a:" who was your first kiss "

s:" I'll let you know when it happens "

a:" seriously, a pretty girl like you has never been kissed "

s:" saving it for someone special "

a:" I feel that "

s:" do you have any siblings "

a:" no just me, do you have a boyfriend "

s:" what no why did you think that "

a:" I thought that guy who was harassing you was your boyfriend "

s:" ew no he's just VERY persistent about getting in my pants "

a:" oh "

s:" what's your favorite color "

a:" red, are you a virgin "

s:" yeah , do you masturbate"

a:" yes don't you "

s:" I kinda always wanted to but I never knew how "

a:" you just use a lubricant like saliva for girls or lotion in my case and rub"

s:" does it feel good "

a:" yes "

s:" I think I'll try it tonight "

a:" you should "

s:" why are you looking at me like that "

a:" you have beautiful eyes "

I blushed 

s:" thanks "

I look at my phone and it's 5:55.

s:" oh crap I gotta go "

a:" did I do something wrong "

s:" what no, I have cheer practice "

a:" I didn't know you were a cheerleader "

s:" yep allstar cheer I'll see you tomorrow "

and with that I left and went to cheer practice. 

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