changed my mind

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Skylar's pov 

me and Austin were walking to his house because it was Friday and we wanted to hang out 

a:" oh crap, what am I going to tell my mom about my lip"

s:" that you were fighting for my honor and dignity ( note the sarcasm) "

he chuckled 

a:" I love you baby "

s:" I love you to " 

we got to his house and walked in Austin holding the door like the gentleman he is 


m:" oh my god honey, what happened to your lip "

a:" the new kid punched me because Skylar said she wouldn't have sex with him and he saw me kiss her "

m:" the boys these days don't know how to treat girls "

s:" well you did a great job with Austin, he treats me like a princess "

a:" cause you are one"

s:" thanks "

a:" well mom, we're going to hang out in my room "

m:" ok have fun you two "

we walk up the stairs and I stopped when I saw a picture of a adorable baby 

s:" is that you "

a:" yes "

s:" and I thought you were cute now "

a:" thanks "

we walk into his room and I became really quiet because I keep thinking about my dad 

a:" baby, what's wrong "

s:" it's nothing, I don't want to trouble you "

he walks over to me, grabs my hands and kisses them 

a:" baby your not a burden, I chose to be your shoulder to cry on when I fell in love with you please tell me "

s:" I'm starting to reconsider seeing my dad again "

a:" I thought you didn't want to see him again "

s:" I thought so too but I feel guilty for not giving him a chance "

a:" that's one of the many reasons I fell in love with you, your always thinking about others before yourself "

s:" I love you to " 

a:" if you decide to see him I'll go with you to make sure he doesn't lay a finger on you"

s:" you know your hot when your protective "

a:" not as hot as you "

then he kissed me 

a:" hey sky? "

s:" yeah "

a:" would you be okay with the mahomies knowing about us? "

s:" of course "

a:" great, would you like to be in my next ustream and we can tell them then "

s:" sure "

I'm so nervous, even though I grew up on the Internet and hate doesn't really get to me I'm still nervous about the mahomies knowing about us, I just hope they like me and are okay with us dating. 

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