unexpected surprise

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Skylar's pov

I got to my first class, math and sat down staring out the window when someone sat next to me, I turned to see none other than Austin Mahone. 

a:" hey "

s:" oh umm hey "

a:" what's your name mystery girl "

s:" I told you it doesn't matter "

ms glass :" Austin, Skylar please quiet down "

a:" Skylar huh that's a beautiful name "

I blushed when he said that, why? 

s:" umm... Thanks "

after class ms glass pulled me and Austin to the side 

g:" Austin I noticed from your grades that transferred over that your struggling a bit in math "

a:" yeah"

s:" excuse me ms glass what does this have to do with me "

g:" well, Skylar I would like you to tutor Austin "

s:" oh ms glass I don't know I'm really busy right now "

g:" Skylar please, you have the best grade in the class "

something you should know about me is that if someone asks me for help I will do anything in my power to help them, almost to a fault. 

s:" ok fine I'll do it "

g:" thank you Skylar "

I went out of the classroom when I heard Austin yell to wait up. 

s:" what do you want "

a:" if your gonna be my tutor, then I should probably have your number "

s:" smooth "

a:" why thank you "

I laugh 

s:" ok give me your phone "

he did and I put in my number and gave him my phone and he gave me his number. 

s:" hey can we study at your house, I have a lot of siblings and they will probably distract you "

a:" yeah sure 4:30 work? "

s:" yeah but I have to be home by 6:00"

a:" cool see you then text you my address "

s:" ok "

in five minutes I got a text from Austin and I laughed because his name in my phone was Austin aka hottie this is going to be interesting tutoring him. 

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