Michelle's advice

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Skylar's pov 

lately I've really been struggling on deciding if I want to see my dad again but no matter who I ask, I have equal amounts of yes and no answers, my family thinks I should but my friends and coaches think that it's probably best to leave him in the past, now usually Austin would be the deciding vote but he keeps telling me " whatever you want to do I'll support"  so here I am, on my way to talk to a unbiased party, Michelle 

* ding dong *

m:" hey Skylar, Austin isn't here right now, he's at alex's house "

s:" I know, I was actually here to talk to you if you don't mind "

m:" of course honey, come on in "

s:" thanks "

I walk in, take off my shoes, go in the kitchen because that's where Michelle wanted to go and sat down at the table 

m:" do you want something to drink "

s:" do you have any pepsi"

m:" yes would you like one "

s:" yes please "

she got me one and I thanked her 

m:" so, what's going on "

s:" umm... I don't know if you know this but my real father isn't in my life " 

m:" oh I'm so sorry to hear that "

s:" I appreciate that, but I haven't spoken to him in over 10 years and recently he contacted my mom saying that he wants to see me and all my siblings "

m:" do you mind me asking why you haven't spoken to him "

I got up, turned around, lifted up my shirt and showed her the scar on my back 

m:" oh my god "

s:" he used to verbally and physically abuse me and my mom, none of my other siblings, just me and her "

m:" what do you want to do "

s:" I honestly don't know... Part of me hates him with everything I have but ( starts crying)  part of me is still that little girl who just wants her daddy to love her and apologize for the torture he put me through "

m:" has he tried to be in your life at all "

s:" he called every day while he was in jail for about a year but he eventually got the hint that I didn't want to talk to him so he stopped and he sent me a card every year for my birthday but I haven't opened any of them and I for some reason, can't bring myself to throw them away "

m:" honey, I believe in second chances and so do you otherwise you wouldn't even be considering seeing him again, I think that as long as your comfortable, you should give him a second chance because you obviously believe deep down, that he does feel remorse otherwise you would have thrown those cards away the second you got them, I think if he has changed then maybe you could rekindle but I think you'll always wonder if you don't find out "

s:" I think I'll try, thanks for the advice "

I walk over and hug her, at first she was caught off guard but eventually hugged me back 

m:" honey, it's my pleasure, my son is madly in love with you and I can't thank you enough for making him happy and I love you for it so if you ever need advice, you can always come to me, us girls gotta stick together "

I chuckled 

s:" I agree, thanks again "

m:" anytime sweetie "

with that I left finally knowing what I was going to do about my dad 

a/n: 2 updates in 2 days, go me. Please comment your feelings on the story so far, I have no idea how you guys are liking it so please tell me - Kayleigh  

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