hideout pt. 2

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Austin's pov 

today I am going to show Skylar my hideout from when I was little, I used to go their when I was upset or just felt lost, I even went there a few times when I was with Taylor, either because we had a fight and I also came here when I found out she was cheating on me and when me and my first girlfriend Maddie broke up I came here because it makes me comfortable, it is a treehouse my dad built for me before he passed away, he always told me that when I fall madly in love with a girl I should bring her there, at the time I thought it was disgusting to even think about falling in love with a girl, little did I that that would be his dying wish so I'm going fulfill it tonight with the girl I love and I'm going to sing a song that I wrote for her to show her how special she is 

Skylar's pov 

I'm currently doing my makeup and hair for my date with Austin, he refuses to tell me where we're going so I just decided to dress casual 

* ding dong *

s:" I'll get it "

I open the door and it's Austin 

a:" hey baby "

s:" hey "

he kissed me and then he takes my hand 

s:" mom I'm leaving "

mom:" ok have fun on your date "

s:" I will "

we walk out of the house and down the sidewalk 

a:" did I tell you that you look beautiful "

I blush 

s:" no "

a:" well, you look beautiful "

s:" thanks "

after walking for about 10 minutes I decide to ask where we're going 

s:" Austin, where are we going "

a:" you'll see "

we walked for 20 more minutes until we arrived at a huge field 

s:" Austin, what are we doing here, your not going to kill me are you "

a:" yep I took you all the way out here so no one will find your body "

he picks me up and I squeal because I wasn't expecting it and we both start laughing 

a:" c'mon we're almost there "

he keeps walking until he reaches a tree that I notice has a latter hanging down from it 

a:" c'mon baby "

he starts to climb up and I look at him hesitant 

a:" you'll be fine baby, I won't let you fall, I will either let you fall on me or I will catch you in a extremely chivalrous fashion "

I chuckle and climb up the latter 

when I get to the top, I see a tree house with a bunch of fairy lights stringed up around it and on the tree house itself along with a picnic basket and Austin's guitar 

s:" Austin, what is all this "

a:" you brought me to your hideout so I brought you to mine "

s:" how'd you find this place "

a:" when my mom found out that she was having a boy, my dad and a few of his buddies built this for me, I put up the fairy lights though to make it more magical for our date "

I walk over to him and kissed him passionately 

s:" somehow everything is magical with you Austin "

a:" same with you baby "

we sit down by the picnic basket and Austin got out a fancy looking bottle 

a:" ( speaking in a posh accent) would m'lady like some sparkling apple cider from the convenience store that costs 2 dollars "

s:" ( also in a posh accent) why thank you kind sir, I would love some "

we both laugh at our stupidity while Austin opens the bottle and pours some in two plastic cups 

a:" here you go baby "

s:" thanks "

a:" do you want to know why I brought you here "

I nod 

a:" well, there are two reasons one, I finished the song I was writing for you and two, right before my dad died he told me not to show or tell anyone about our special place, this tree house and that when I was older and I found a special girl, to bring her here but not to do it unless I was completely positive that I loved her and I am "

s:" I love you "

before I could even process what I was doing I asked a question 

s:" ( looking down) did you ever bring Taylor here "

he looked shocked that I would ask that 

a:" no, I didn't love her, I thought I did but really I just liked her attention, why did you ask that "

I shrug 

s:" I don't know, she comes off as nice, she and I have a bad history with going for the same guys and she's way prettier-"

a:" stop right there, I know her true colors, those guys were absolute idiots for making you their number two choice and for the record, no girl in this world is prettier than you, you don't have to worry about me doing that, I know what I have and I'm not letting it go especially for someone like her "

I kissed him passionately 

s:" thank you for bringing me here, I'm honored "

a:" your welcome, now how about I play you that song "

I smile and nod then he starts playing ( song above) 

I was crying through about half the song 

s:" that was beautiful Austin, I love it thank you "

a:" why are you crying baby "

s:" because it was beautiful and I never thought in a million years a guy would love me half as much as you "

a:" well believe it cause I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. Hey umm... this may sound kinda weird but umm... would you mind praying with me that my dad is ok and to let him know that I fulfilled his wish "

I smiled 

s:" I'd love to "

he grabbed my hands, touched our foreheads together and we prayed together and then he took me home 

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