meeting his friends

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Skylar's pov

Today I am meeting Austin's friends and I'm really nervous, as we were walking into olive garden Austin stopped me. 

Austin:" are you ok baby, you're really pale "

Skylar:" I feel like I'm gonna puke"

Austin touched my forehead with the back of his hand. 

Austin :" are you sick "

Skylar :" no it's just.... What if they don't like me "

he smiled that gorgeous smile of his and kissed me. 

Austin :" don't worry, their going to love you just like I do "

Skylar : " thanks, you really do have a way with words" 

Austin :" I mean it, I love you and nobodies opinion about you will ever change that "

Skylar : " I love you to" 

Austin :" now can we go in I'm starving "

we walked in holding hands and got to the table. 

alex:" hey bro"

Zach:" how are you man"

Robert:" that's your girl "

Austin and I both laughed and Austin kissed my cheek. 

Austin:" yep, this is my girl, Skylar this is Alex, Zach and Robert "

Skylar:" nice to meet you guys "

Robert:" wow you really weren't kidding when you said she was gorgeous "

I blushed 

Austin:" I know right "

Zach:" got any pretty single friends you could set me up with "

Skylar:" I can show you a picture and you could tell me if any catch your eye "

I show him a picture of the 5 of us 

Zach:" the short one with blonde hair and blue eyes is gorgeous "

Skylar:" Maddie? "

Zach:" she even has a pretty name "

Skylar:" she has a kid just so you know "

Zach:" that's fine I love kids, as long as she's single "

s:" she is I'll see if she's interested "

Zach:" thanks "

Alex:" so Skylar, do you do any sports "

Skylar:" yep allstar cheer "

Robert:" woah ameezy a cheerleader, lucky "

Austin:" I'm a very lucky guy "

Skylar:" well Robert, my friend hailey thinks your really cute, she's a cheerleader to, do you want to see a picture of her "

Robert:" yeah sure "

I showed him a picture of hailey, she has long brown hair and blue eyes as soon as he sees it he whistles. 

Robert:" damn that girl is hot "

Skylar:" ok I'll tell her you'd like to hang out "

Robert:" thanks "

we ate our food, Austin took me home and I am now on the phone with hailey. 

s:" hey "

h:" hey what's up "

s:" so you know how I was meeting Austin's friends today "

h:" yeah "

s:" well long story short Robert thinks your hot"

h:" WHAT!!!!!!! "

s:" jeez I'd like to keep my eardrum in tact"

h:" sorry, are you serious "

s:" yeah he wants to hang out with you "

h:" I can't believe this is happening "

s:" I'll text you his number "

h:" thanks, see you at practice "

s:" yeah, bye"

h:" bye"

I went to practice, came home, filmed a video with my sisters and went to bed. 

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