(Dahmo) Dark

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They yelped all at once, and whatever they're currently doing, they momentarily paused for some whining. Tzuyu swears this is the first time she heard Mina whine the loudest. It's quite surprising but understandable.

Who would even want to get interrupted in the middle of doing something? (And Mina was so close to winning in that moment so so of course she'd react like that).

Momo feels the same way as Mina about the brownout. The microwave barely started functioning, and Momo's really hungry, but the electricity really just have to go. And just damn it really.


Momo can't see anything. They don't have their emergency lights on, and Mina is still complaining about it, but she's complaining about where her phone is now. Tzuyu is doing the same as Mina. And Momo really wish Jihyo is at the dorm right now.

Her stomach doesn't stop rumbling. It's annoying, really. Plus, the fact that she misplaced her phone as well is making her even more annoyed. They really need Jihyo.

Dahyun doesn't misplace her phone often, Momo remembers, but Dahyun is in her room, changing clothes, so no, Dahyun can't provide them light at the moment.

Momo cusses the electricity. She wants food. And No one still found their phones, damn it.

It's too dark.



Momo remembers, Dahyun despises dark places, especially if it's too much. Fuck. Momo hits her toe on the table, and it stings bad. She winces through the dark. And she stumbles over the sofa, nearly crashing over some decorations.

And really, why can't anyone still find their phones?

"Yah! get light quickly!" Momo yells, trying to guess where Dahyun's room is. They'd be dead if Jihyo sees the mess right now, but fuck, who would care in this situation? (Mina and Tzuyu would honestly).

Momo's head is in a mess, she can't think straight, only focusing on how Dahyun needs to see light. Even just a little bit of light.

But it's really dark right now, and fuck that fucking shit, Momo swears.

Dahyun suffocates in the dark, it eats her up, makes her chest tight. Too sudden and tight, Momo remembers. This happened before.

And it was vivid memory in Momo's mind of how cold Dahyun's hands were while gripping hard on hers, and how Dahyun was gasping for air, asking for light. Just some little light.

"Dahyun-ah!" Momo bangs on the door, twisting the knob in a rush. Of course it had to be lock, and of course Dahyun had to be in there. "Dahyun-ah, open up!"

Mina and Tzuyu were confused and worried at the same time. They don't understand why there's too much fear in Momo's voice, or what's happening to dahyun. Is dahyun in danger? They want to ask—

"Don't stop until you find the fucking flashlight!" Momo warns them. "Yah, Kim Dahyun!" She starts again, and really, she was very ready to kick the door and break in.

But Dahyun finally opens the door, light coming out of her room. Momo rushes in Immediately, relief taking over her body after seeing Dahyun's phone in flashlight mode.

Momo forgot, Dahyun doesn't lose her phone often. And thank goodness she doesn't.

"I was so close to breaking the door." Momo's arms were quick to pull Dahyun in an embrace. Momo didn't notice, but after she slowly relaxes through their embrace, she realized she was the one trembling and cold. "You should've told me you have a light with you."

"Ah, you didn't have any?" Dahyun asks. She can see Mina and Tzuyu standing outside the room, looking confused.

Dahyun was confused for a moment too, but not until Momo broke the hug and looked at her in the eye, hands both on her shoulder, "We didn't, but that's not the real point here, Dahyunie." Momo says. "Just a little bit of light, remember when you told me that?"

Dahyun figures out what's the whole ruckus was all about. And she felt bad that Momo panicked just because of her.

But when Momo hugged her again, the thought subsides at the very back of her head.

"Please," Momo breaths, face snuggled onto Dahyun's neck, and arms tightening around Dahyun's waist. Warmth, they feel it both. "Inform me whenever you need that little bit of light, and when you have it with you."

"I will." Dahyun answers. "I'll remember it."

When Mina clears her throat, reminding the two about hers and Tzuyu's still existing presence, Dahyun and Momo knew they owe them an explanation. Mina and Tzuyu got worried too, you know?

And what a great timing, the electricity is back.

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