Chapter 34

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"So, please start from the beginning and include as much detail as you can." Officer Grant spoke, his tone calm but with a little apprehension to it. This is how he had started every meeting so far, filling the room with an air of authority.

Principal Ardoin was present for all of the individual meetings but took a step back from the investigation. The days flew by without any reassurances. Both boys had anxiety beyond parallel but that only occupied a part of their minds, the other part was focused on each other. It was new, pure love, and it took all of their attention.

"Um Thomas, before we get too far into this relationship, I wanted to um...ask you if you wanted to go on a date with me, an official date that it?" Jess was never really one for romantic gestures but something in Thomas brought that side out in him.

Thomas brought out the good in him, the vulnerability and a side of him that he hadn't ever showed anyone before.

When Jess had been younger and realized he was gay, he found a way lock everything deep inside and it wasn't until recently that he stopped doing that as much. Thomas was as much of a confidant as he was a boyfriend. Their relationship was by no means perfect but it was what they needed and that's enough.

"I would love to." Thomas promised, the feeling of happiness washing over him once more. "Okay, okay, Saturday then?" Thomas smiled in response, loving the timidness and vulnerability the other boy showed.

Saturday couldn't roll around fast enough for the boys. With everything else that was going on, it was a much-needed relief, Thomas in a button-down and Jess in a sports coat.

"Have I mentioned how much I love you?" Jess mumbled against Thomas's ear when he saw the blonde. "Only a few times." Thomas replied with a teasing edge.

"Then I haven't told you enough." Jess bit back with a low chuckle in close pursuit. The moment was picturesque, one of the few things in Thomas's life that was.

"Do I get to know where we're going now?" Thomas pleaded. All day, Jess had been out preparing for the surprise and had refused to tell Thomas anything. For one crazy, insane moment they were just a normal couple, teasing each other with the comfort of those who are married. But they were anything but normal and Thomas was starting to be okay with that.

"Not yet. Do you trust me?" Jess questioned back. "Yes." Thomas affirmed, with as much passion as he could muster.

The motorcycle's engine turned under the boys as they made for their destination. The scenery passed by but Thomas was focused more on the boy in front of him than anything else. He still clung tightly to Jess even though he knew he didn't need to.

The feeling of the other boy pressed against his arms brought I sense of comfort and peace to Thomas. Even though he knew he should be happy, it was still a struggle for him, something he had to remind himself of.

He had spent so long with sorrow for a companion that he didn't know how to let happiness back in. He had started to become comfortable with the sorrow that occupied his heart.

It was something dependable, he knew it would always be there even when happiness would evade him. Thomas didn't know how to let go of that, to have faith that happiness wouldn't leave him. His heart was blackened by so many years of fear that Thomas wasn't sure that it could be saved but Jess was proving him wrong.

Every second was a struggle for Thomas but when Jess was with him, the struggle seemed less. Jess could block out the sorrow and allow happiness to seep into his heart, a strange and transcendent feeling but he welcomed it into his hardened heart.

The plateau that they had so often occupied came into view as they rounded the corner. Thomas wasn't so much surprised as relieved. Ever since Jess took Thomas here, it gave Thomas a calming sense, one of safety.

This time however, the rocks were occupied by a picnic spread. The boys pulled onto the side of the winding road, Thomas with a questioning look on his face.

"I figured you needed a break from I thought, maybe a picnic?" Instead of answering, Thomas pressed his lips to the other boy's. It was more than he could ever have asked for. Thomas always felt horrible when he was the reason the Winther's didn't go out but sometimes, he couldn't even imagine being in the company of others. School was hell for that reason alone.

"I love you so much" Thomas spoke once they broke apart. "I love you too Thomas Antonio Romano." 

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