"Boys, is that you?" Mrs. Winther called from the kitchen. They made their way to where she was stationed making a delectable amount of pastries. "Principal Ardoin called, what a nice man, anyways he said that Wren was expelled and the rest of his group are suspended for a month. So, I'm making some pastries to say thank you."
Jess wrapped his arms around the other boy before he had a second thought. The smiles engulfed both of the boys faces as they felt the one last obstacle to their relationship slip away.
Thomas had gotten used to the constant weight of his situation on his shoulders but now they seemed to slip away. Not everything was perfect, however. While the therapy was helping immensely, he still had moments were his fingers itched for the razor and the sweet relief. Jess had a big part in keeping him grounded and away from his old habits. One word from the other boy would have Thomas rethinking the fear and loneliness that threatened to drown him.
"I love you" Thomas whispered, breaking the hug. "Come on, thank you mom." He led Thomas to his bed room and kissed him the way he couldn't with his mom standing right there. He kissed the scar right below Thomas's mouth. The one he had wanted to kiss since he laid eyes on the other boy.
They broke away when they heard footsteps on the stairs but that didn't stop the feelings that were still there. Sitting on the bed, Thomas let Jess in to the last place of his heart.
"Do you remember when you asked me if you could see what I was drawing?" Jess nodded in response, inquisitive as to where the conversation was heading. "I said maybe at the time but I realized I want you to see them. No one else had ever saw them but with you...I don't know...I feel comfortable."
They kissed one last time before Thomas pulled out the sketch book that had been so dear to his heart. It was practically filled to the brim with drawings, sketches, paintings, anything that Thomas had wanted to do.
The first page was full of the basic art student stuff, apples, flowers, easy things. Still, it was amazing the work Thomas could do with a pencil. It was filled with meaning beyond the surface level but it still contained a sense of formality.
As they continued the journey to the past, it became darker, more grotesque. The drawings were ones of fear and despair. "I did these when my dad started to abuse me." Thomas whispered, his voice struggling against his protests.
There was a whole array of drawings from those years, some light with an edge of darkness, some so far from the light.
"The next part is what I really wanted to show you." The next part of his sketchbook was composed of everything he drew after he had met Jess. It was Jess smiling, laughing, living. The dark still coated the edges of the drawings but they also held a new light, a softer light, one that was fragile but enormous. The drawing that Jess spent the most time on was the third person perspective of Jess and Thomas hugging that day so many moments ago.
"Why haven't you drawn yourself before this?" Jess inquired, a small part of him already knew they answer. "I...um...honestly..., I hated myself for a long time before I met you but...um...you helped me change that, especially in this moment." He ended with a soft smile, much of the insecure boy gone.
The rest of the sketchbook was composed of memories of Thomas and Jess as well as his mother. For the first time, in a long time, he had been able to think about the memories of his mother without breaking down in tears. His drawings still contained an edge of darkness but it was that of someone who was truly happy.
They turned to the last page, a blank sheet waiting to be filled. "What is it going to be?" Jess questioned. Thomas wasn't quite sure but that was okay for him. He had an idea and that was all that mattered. "I guess we'll find out." Thomas's smile was so pure and full of life that it took Jess's breath away for a minute. In all the months he had known Thomas, he had never seen the other boy have so much happiness in his eyes, it was incredible.
"I love you so much, Jess" And this time there was no doubting it because Thomas's heart finally had room to love and to be loved. "I love you too Thomas."
When he had first met Jess, he could only dream of being loved by that boy but now his dream was a reality. It was everything he could ever have asked for. It is insane and crazy how three simple words ruined his life but three different words gave him love and acceptance.
However it works, Thomas had been freed from a life of lies and hopelessness. He had been given a chance to live a life full of love and hope, one without fear. Thomas never could have imagine living a life where he wasn't afraid to be himself without the fear of losing his family.
The future was uncertain and unpredictable but he had hope, for the first time, that he would be okay. He would be able to live a life free from the expectations and oppression of others.
All that mattered was that Jess would be in his life because any life that he was with Jess was one that he would cherish until the end. Thomas knew that his life wouldn't be only good things from here on out but he had hope that the good would make up for the bad.
He had hope that happiness and love would find its way into his life anywhere he was.
The End

Three Simple Words
Ficción GeneralThree Simple Words is a heart-wrenching and moving account of a boy struggling with his sexuality, persecuted by his religion and drowning in depression. Thomas has always struggled with his sexuality but it's not until Jess comes into his life that...