It was almost dark before the two started to head back home. The rolling clouds filled the sky with an ominous rumble, the lighting following quickly after. It was one of the only reasons the boys were content to leave.
The ride back was serene, the storm on the horizon but them safe in each other's arms. The happiness that Thomas was so fearful of was still there, clinging to his chest, butterflies in his stomach and he cherished every moment he had with it.
He was so afraid that he would lose this happiness that sometimes he forgot to let himself feel it but, in this moment, there was more than enough to go around. Jess felt the first rain drop on his arm, right above Thomas's.
He smiled to the heavens letting the smell of fresh rain wash over his senses. This was the happiest he had been in a long time with the wind and fresh rain washing over his face, his love's arms wrapped tightly around his waist, going back to a family that accepted both him and Thomas.
The driveway shone brightly on the dimly lit street. Pulling in front of his beautifully traditional house, he let it all wash over him one last time.
"Come on" He beckoned Thomas, pulling the helmet off to reveal the chocolaty eyes staring back at him. "Never mind, come here." Jess instructed with a smile. A willing Thomas submitted to the request. With the rain still soaking his body, he returned to the other boy.
"Jess, we really should go in before we get a hold." Even as Thomas said it, his heart wasn't truly in it. "Don't worry, I'll keep you warm." Jess replied throwing Thomas over his shoulder and running around like a mad man. It was romantic and crazy and beautiful. They both were laughing like a pack of wild banshees, the sound cutting across the crisp rainy sky.
With Thomas still flung over his shoulder, Jess made towards the house hardly noticing the navy-blue car that sat outside. The large wooden door swung open with a soft creak and a pair of laughing boys.
Setting Thomas down, he took the opportunity to press his lips to the blonde's and take full advantage of the moment. A stifled gasp sounded from the next room but they took their time pulling apart.
"Mom, you know we're together, what's with the surprise?" Jess questioned with a hint of annoyance. "Can you boys come here please" Giving a small smile to Thomas, Jess grabbed his hand and led him to the living room. Most of the room was obscured when they first walked into the foyer but now, they both clearly saw the unexpected guest.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Was the first thing out of his mouth as he saw his scraggily father sitting on the leather couch. He looked so out of place against the family background. He had never been much of a family man and when the drinking started, there was no time left for his family. The family portraits and comfortable family living were a stark contrast to the shell of the man that sat in their living room.
"I said, what the hell are you doing here?" Thomas repeated, making no effort to conceal his anger.
"Mom?" Jess muttered. Trying his best to be subtle, he gently urged them out for the two would have a chance to talk. Jess started to leave with them when a firm hand changed that. "Stay?" Was the only thing that Thomas needed to say before they both were seated across from the man that had condemned Thomas for so many years.
"Thomas...I...I...I'm so sorry...for what I you. I should never...have...I...uh...don't accept you being a homosexual but I love you son..." Thomas's father had tears brimming in the corner of his eyes but there was no space for Thomas to feel any sympathy towards this man.
"No." Thomas muttered; the confusion evident on his father's face.
"What...what do you" He croaked.
Standing up to his full height, Thomas said what he had needed to say for all of these years. "I mean no. You cannot just waltz in here and expect me to forgive you for everything. You have made my life a living hell for so many years and you expect what? A happy family reunion? I trusted you and in return you beat me and kicked me out of your house. You're lucky I don't go to the cops with what you did. The funny part is, I was so afraid of losing you but in reality, you were never really there were you? So no, you don't get to be a part of my life. After mom...I needed you and you weren't there. Then when I needed you to accept, you hit me. You have never been there for me so why should this be any different? You are a selfish prick and I want you to get out of my life. Not just for now or for a little while, but forever. I never want you any where near me or my family." Thomas finished with his voice rising to almost a shout but through it all he still had full control.
"Thomas, you can't mean that, I'm your father." He pleaded, sincerity filling his eyes.
"When were you my father? When you beat me, called me a fag, threw me out? Huh? When were you my father? Please get out. If you ever try to contact me or Jess, I will go to the police with what you did. And just for you know, I do forgive you but not for you, for me. I don't want to live with the weight of this anger so I forgive you. Now get out."
The door shut with a finality that reverberated throughout the house.
Both Jess's parents and Ariel came into the living room, looks of awe written across their faces. They each, in their own time, embraced Thomas giving him what little verbal support they had to offer. Jess's arms quickly found the other boy, Thomas's back pressed to Jess's chest.
"I am so proud of you Thomas, I love you." Jess remarked. There was a weight that was finally off of Thomas's shoulders and it felt like he could breathe again. What he had said to his father was really true, he had forgiven that man and as hard as it was, he needed to do it.
The anger had taken up such a large part of his heart that he had little room for much else. Now his heart could be devoted to his love and his new family.

Three Simple Words
Aktuelle LiteraturThree Simple Words is a heart-wrenching and moving account of a boy struggling with his sexuality, persecuted by his religion and drowning in depression. Thomas has always struggled with his sexuality but it's not until Jess comes into his life that...