Chapter 32

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The sun flickered in as the alarm blared in the back ground. It was a Wednesday and there was nothing between Thomas and the building that haunted him. Jess and Thomas had managed to get out of school in lieu of recent events but by Wednesday, they couldn't afford to miss another day.

Thomas's emotions were mixed but what was clear was that today things would change. It didn't really matter how much it changed just that it did.

After Thomas had told Jess the entire story behind Wren's bullying, he convinced the other boy to report him. Jess had wanted to report him to the police but Thomas couldn't bring himself to ruin Wren's life for the games he pulled in high school. Time seemed to slow around them as the pair walked into school, hand in hand.

The school wasn't particularly homophobic. It very much represented the community around them, silent except for the side comments and stares. No real stance was ever taken but it was enough to keep a person in the closet throughout high school.

Thomas had been in the closet for so long, and went through so much that he didn't really have a choice. Nothing could be worse than what happened with his father so there was no need to hide. Hell, that didn't make it any easier but at least the fear of his father finding out was gone.

Even though the bell to first hour rang, the boys were unfazed as they walked in the principal's office. It was a quaint place, office like enough to have a professional feeling but filled with aspects of a home that made it an odd in between.

"May I help you boys? The last time I checked, first hour began...three minutes ago." The receptionist looked at them with a side-long gaze. Jess started to say something but Thomas spoke, "We're here to see the' a personal matter."

If Jess spoke for him now then there was no way he would be able to report Wren. In Thomas's four years at the high school, the principal had made a point to know every student, especially those on the football team so Thomas had no problem telling him what had happened. He was more so worried that he would downplay what happened because he had downplayed what happened his entire life, and this was no different.

"Thomas, you can go in." The receptionist replied bitterly. Thomas walked towards the closed door with Jess following silently behind.

"Excuse me, young man, where do you think you're going?" Jess realizing that Thomas needed to take lead on this one, backed away, letting the other boy explain. "Please ma'am, this is but he is also a witness to what I need to report." Even though she only nodded him in, he could see the distain in her eyes and his words.

Thomas barely had the courage to look at Jess. They had never really discussed what their relationship was but when Thomas did, he saw Jess smiling with a smile that lit up his whole face.

Before it could turn into a moment, the large Maplewood door slung open to reveal a middle-aged man with an unruly hair. He was conventionally handsome but years of being the principal at a high school had taken its toll.

While some people in his position would look threatening, he took on the persona of a parent away from home, a guarded trust.

"Please, take a seat." Principal Ardoin spoke with an air of timidness about him. "So, um... what brings you too in today?" Thomas paled by the expectations that lay around him until Jess's fingers were wrapped around his own. Principal Ardoin barely took heed with a husband at home however he was proud of the self-assurance within the relationship.

"So, a couple years ago. Wren Breckon and I were on the football team together when he um...kissed me. He's been harassing me ever since..." Thomas continued, gradually growing in confidence as he told the remaining aspects of the story.

Thomas wasn't expecting a miracle but it was nice to have someone who could help, know his situation.

"Mr. Romano, I hate to ask this but do you have any evidence?" Principal Ardoin inquired, cringing at his own question. He had been subject to a fair amount of bullying in his day and things haven't changed much since then, it was still the victim's word versus the accused perpetrator.

Jess's face seemed to answer for the both of them. The accusatory glance he gave the principal seemed to suffice. "I was there for one of the beatings, I can testify to that. I found Wren and a couple of his friends teaming up to hold Thomas down while...but um...I can be a witness." Jess answered still with the expression planted on his face.

While Jess had been talking, it gave Thomas the time to find the evidence that he had just in case it came to this.

"I don't know if this'll do much but I have pictures of my bruises after most of the beatings. I wasn't sure if anyone would believe me so I took the photos." Thomas felt rather than saw Jess's body tense next to him. It was one thing to hear what happened but it is a whole other beast to see it first-hand.

Throughout it all, Jess's hand never left Thomas's even when Jess saw some of the pictures Thomas had taken.

"Alright, you guys should head back to class. I'll write you a pass for your teachers. After school today I would like to discuss this in more depth and I will also have Wren meet us here." Principal Ardoin responded after a long pause.

Thomas could barely stand let alone walk. The meeting had drained him physically, emotionally, mentally. The end of the day couldn't come fast enough but with it brought the inevitability of the meeting and the anxiety that came with it.

He was so close to being free of the chains that Wren and his father put on him but it didn't help make the last steps easier. With every step forward, a weight was added, slowly weighing Thomas down, daring him to fail. Even so, Thomas was numb.

Sometimes he would wish for the pain but all that was there was a mind-numbing void. The only thing that would cut through the numb was Jess and consequently it was the only thing keeping Thomas afloat during this time. The hours slowly creeped by until the last bell rang signaling the end of the day.

One more obstacle and then maybe, just maybe he could live, love without judgment, without fear.

Was that too much to ask for?

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