Chapter 33

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Principal Ardoin sighed as the bell rang out for the end of the day. The students milled about, most leaving to go home and adamantly ignore their homework.

In some way, he envied them. Their day was done, they didn't have to be the adult in the meeting that followed. He had no doubt that Thomas was telling the truth, but truth and fact can sometimes be mutually exclusive.

His trust in Thomas and his intuition were not things he could expel someone with. The evidence helped but without other witness's farther from the case, he wasn't sure what he could legally do especially because they all are legally adults.

Even so, he prayed that something would come to light to help Thomas's case. A soft knock came from the other side of the door. Schooling his emotions as best he could, he opened the door to greet the three people involved in the case as well as the rest of the members of Wren's group in the waiting room.

Thomas nervously glanced around realizing a little to late that it was his word against a roomful, except some of the anxiety was dulled because of the raven-haired that sat next to him. Jess ran his hand reassuringly over the other's hand with a disapproving glare from Wren. He would never say anything too nasty while in the current situation but everyone knew what Wren was thinking, especially with the obscene hand gesture he made.

"Can I see Wren, Thomas and Jess please?" Principal Ardoin articulated as soon as he was out of his office. It was risky to have Jess come in with them but he was hoping that it would help Thomas's case.

"Boys, may I introduce you to the Officer Grant. He will be supervising the case because you are all adults." Wren shifted anxiously, sending furtive glances to the newly introduced member of the meeting.

"No need to look so guilty, Mr. Breckon." Principal Ardoin announced. It wasn't professional of him but the again he could never resist in a situation like this, one that hit so close to home. "Is it necessary to have the police here?" Thomas voiced, surprising most of the group.

Before anyone else could cut in, Officer Grant spoke for all of them, "It is mostly a formality unless you, Mr. Romano, decide to press charges pending an investigation into the alleged bullying by Mr. Breckon." The answer was stifled in its formality, seemingly rehearsed many times before.

Thomas gave a terse nod in response, not trusting his voice to relay the message. The rest of the meeting went relatively smoothly. Officer Grant asked generic questions expected of this type of case, scheduled individual follow-ups with each person as well as assure them all of the seriousness of these allegations.

In all sincerity, Officer Grant was hoping to scare Wren into confessing but ultimately, his plan had not been a success. Once the group stepped outside of the office, it felt like a wave of fresh air had washed over them, Thomas especially.

They were instructed to stay in the office until Officer Grant had a chance to speak with them all individually. Even so, Jess pulled Thomas outside into the hallway.

"Talk to me, Mi Amor" Jess implored, using a nickname he had recently grown an affinity to. "I...I don't know. It's just a lot. I...I don't want Wren to go to jail for this. It would ruin his life. I can't do that. I..." Thomas sputtered before Jess cut with off with his lips. The kiss was gentle and fierce all in its own, it was full of love and promises and it was exactly what they needed.

"Thomas, look at me, I know you want to protect everyone around you but sometimes you need to protect yourself. For once, please, put yourself and your safety first." Jess could see the defiance in the other's eyes but he could also see the understanding. Somewhere deep inside Thomas's mind, he knew he needed to put his safety first but looking at his arms was a clear reminder of all of the times he hadn't put his safety first, times that his safety was the least of his concerns.

"Thomas, please promise me that you will try. I love you and I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I love you too"

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