ROUGE 17: Swimming Forest

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Swimming Forest was a forest of uniqueness. Because this forest is an underwater forest,but not the whole forest was underwater,just the half of the trees were underwater. There is a beauty inside this forest but also danger. And that was what the travelers of this forest must keep in mind.

As soon as the sun rose, the rouges and Aiden were ready to leave. Only awaiting Penelope's instruction.

"We could swim or we could just jump from high tree branch to tree branch. " Penelope said. Her friends were contemplating what she said.

"I could swim. " April stated. Maxfire frowned.

"I'll take the tree branch. " Maxfire said as she stared at the water covering the forest except the highest tree branches.

"Okay.. Whose taking the branches? " Penelope asked. Almost everyone raised their hands except April and Heza.

"This is good. We need look outs for dangers in the waters too. Heza? April? Can you be the look out? This forest is deemed dangerous after all. " Penelope asked. Heza just smiled while April nodded.

"We'll keep you updated. " Heza said as she dived down followed by April. The others started jumping from tree branch to tree branch.

"Penelope? Which direction are we heading exactly? " Alice couldn't help but asked. She has read about this forest and she might know what the dangers that are waiting for them.

"We're heading North. " Penelope said as she jumped from tree branch to tree branch.

"Tremaine look out! " They heard Hikari shout as they turned to see Tremaine got hit by a low hanging branch straight to the face. Nevaeh chuckled until she almost lost footing fortunately, she was abke to hold on a branch.

"That hurts! That's gotta bruise." Tremaine muttered but continued jumping from branch to branch. The others immitated her actions.

They continued on branch jumping when they stumbled upon fruit trees.

"Now, I'm hungry. " Aliyah said as she stopped by a branch to pick the yellow fruit hanging there.

She bit into it and her eyes went dreamy.

"This is good! " she said as she took other yellow food to give to her friends  and to her friend who was floating in the water.

As the others bit into it, they suddenly felt full.

"This really is good. What is this? " Yuki asked. Nobody could answer her. Suddenly, there was a disturbance in the water.

"Something is coming! Hold to a branch. " April shouted as she and Heza threw away the fruit they bit into and swam downwards.

What they saw made their eyes grew wide.

A loud thump was heard as something big hit the tree's trunk. It continued, over and over again.

"I'm gonna die! " Tremaine shouted. Hikari hit her at the back of her head, almost making her fall.

"Hikari! " She angrily shouted at the small girl in front of her who was almost challenging her. A loud thump was heard again.

"JUMP AWAY FROM THOSE BRANCHES! THOSE ARE FLABBERPEARS. THOSE BIG FISHES WANT IT. IT'S THEIR FOOD. " April shouted. Acting immediately, they jumped away from the branches of said tree. Due to acting fast and thinking later, Maxfire slipped at a branch she was jumping from and almost falling to the water if only she wasn't saved by Aiden.

"Careful! You have to be careful. " Aiden said and left to follow the fast leaving Penelope and Alice.

"Let's go before we lose sight of them. " Nevaeh ordered as she followed the others. They only stopped when they saw Penelope, Alice and Aiden has stopped in front of a supposed clearing.

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