ROUGE 18: Sea of Changing Tides

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There were no questions about why Penelope seemed adamant the day before to stay away from Aiden. There were also no questions when everyone noticed the change of the two. Aiden, in his defense didn't understand why Penelope was again avoiding him when she claimed she wished Aiden was also hers. He thought, maybe they could work it out but it seems like he has to wait longer for that.

"I can never understand Penelope. " Nevaeh commented when she saw how Penelope quickly left when Aiden was approaching.

"She's probably just stressed. " was Yuki's reply before they went silent. Nevaeh narrowed her eyes at Maxfire talking to Aiden.

"Is that what I think it is? " Nevaeh asked as she subtly pointed at Maxfire and Aiden talking.

"The guy seemed to be oblivious Nevaeh. " Yuki answered as she also narrowed her eyes at the two.

"That guy has got to be a magnet to our friends then? I saw Heza try to make her move an hour ago. Sadly, Aiden was just oblivious. " Nevaeh said as she twirled a strand of her curly hair, remembering her own oblivious man.

"They're leaving. " Yuki said as she dragged Nevaeh away to follow Aiden and Maxfire.

"Eavesdropping is not good, you know? " Nevaeh answered, irritated at being pulled away but composed herself when she saw how Aiden's face turned bad. He started to look irritated at what Maxfire was telling him in a hushed voice.

"Penny... in love.. I am too... like you.. "  was the only thing they can hear as they struggled to listen some more. They were already batting away the other face so that they can properly hear.

"What......are you.. Is that Maxfire? But..." Alice asked as soon as she came, and was immediately rendered speechless when her friends covered her mouth with their hands.

"Shut up! " Nevaeh said as she struggled to hear the hushed conversation.

"Look Maxfire.. " but he was cut off when Maxfire hugged him. Nevaeh, Yuki and Alice's eyes went wide as they struggled to keep their cool.

"What has Penelope got that I dont? What so good about her anyway? " Maxfire said, her tone almost pleading. Pleading for what, the eavesdroppers dont know.

Aiden sighed and detached himself from Maxfire. If he looked angrt, no one dared to say a thing.

"Everything. I'd choose her over anybody else. Jacob and the guys knows that, heck her cousin also knows it. She's the best for me. " They heard Aiden say with conviction.

"Would I stand a chance? " Maxfire reluctantly asked.

"No. None. I'd stay with Penelope like how Jacob will chose to stay with Alice regardless of what will happen. Or how Hamish will continue to pester Nevaeh just to be with her. And how, Prince Ash would show off to Yuki just so he can talk to her. Penelope will always be my choice, she was my choice back when we were kids and she'll be my choice until now. Now, if you'll excuse " Aiden said, voice full of conviction but trailed off at his last words because he thought he saw someone spying on them. Fortunately for the trio, they quickly hid by the walls with their face as red as a tomato.

"Why? What.. "Was what they heard before they saw Penelope looking straight at them, in front of them, by the wall at the other side. Luckily, she was also hidden by the wall.

"Nothing. I thought I just saw something... " Was the hushed voice of Aiden before they were dragged by Penelope away from there.

"Why did you guys do that? Its not good to eavesdrop you know. " Penelope reprimanded them. Alice was about to answer but she was cut off when Maxfire walked past them. Their gaze sans Penelope followed her walk.

"Explain yourselves, now. " Penelope ordered. They gulped.

"Well you see... " Alive started but was stopped by sudden screaming from their other friends who came running straight at their position.

"Guys!The boat is here. " Hikari excitedly said as others were jumping in joy.

"Ohh.... Well, will you look at that. We should probably get going. " Nevaeh said, trying to get away. Only to be stopped by Alice collapsing to the ground and gritting her teeth through the pain. Acting quickly, Yuki helped her friend be settled while Penelope checked the others if anybody else collapsed in pain.

"None. Just Alice then? " Penelope muttered. Maxfire turned to her.

"Aiden is alone. " She said and was about to leave when they heard Alice's pain filled voice.

"P-Penny... Find him! " she spoke and just with that, Penelope ran to find Aiden.

"Nobody follow her. The guy is for her to take care of now. " Yuki said and she went back to fussing over Alice. Nobody noticed Heza's sour look.

Back with Penelope, as soon as she saw Aiden, curled up in a ball, trying to stop the pain. She immediately cradled his head in her lap, running her finger in his hair.

"P-Penny... " Aiden tried to talk through the pain. Penelope just sighed.

"Don't talk or I'll leave you alone. "Penelope threatened as she almost glared at the guy, smiling strained at her. Penelope could only roll her eyes.

"Relax and the pain will go away soon. Then, we'll ride the boat and hopefully arrive at Brites. We need to be there as soon as possible so that this suffering will stop." Was the only thing Penelope said before she looked down and saw the smile of the man she, as she now admits, loved. She couldn't help but smile back.

Several minutes after, Aiden was good to go. He walked fast straight to the boat, after he got his things. Penelope was right behind him, also holding her things who gave an encouraging smile to her friends to take their bags and get in the boat.

As soon as everyone was aboard,they took away the anchor and the sea was doing its job already. The Sea of Changing tides was named after its ability to change its waves direction everytime.

With a medium sized boat that can carry up to 20 people that can move freely all over the deck, containing eleven people, the waves were fairly bad to the rouges. They knew they had to endure being thrown from side to side by how violent the waves were becoming.

"Ouch! "
"Hey that hurts! "
"The hell?! "
"I want this to stop. "
"I-I think I'm getting sea sick"

Was what the girls were saying everytime they get thrown to the side or against each other. Penelope, albeit  getting off balance for the most part was just standing beside Aiden.

"We'll arrive by the calm water soon. And when that happens, Aiden hold my hand. " Penelope said, her tone conveying her seriousness. Aiden nodded and a strong wave hit the boat, sending them by the railings.

Then, it was followed by another, then another then another set of waves. There was cursing everywhere.

Then suddenly, it stopped, and some members were in a pile at the boat.

Penelope and Aiden were lying side by side. Hikari was in the bottom of the pile with Tremaine, Heza, Aliyah and April. Maxfire was situated a bit far from everyone. While Nevaeh, Yuki and Alice were also in a pile with each other.

"Finally, peaceful waters. " Aliyah said. As she stood up and stepped away from the pile of her friends. Who immediately untangled themselves from each other grumbling all the way.

"Aiden. " Penelope called. Aiden immediately held Penelope's hand.

Penelope then closed her eyes.

"Portus! " Penelope whispered and there was a swirl of light and the eleven were gone.

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