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Once they entered, the glowing stopped and there a wall was created.

Alice opened her eyes and she was greeted by darkness, her supposed friend and solace. She was trying to figure out what was happening. How she can get away from the dark place that she now felt like suffocating from. Something was wrong with this darkness. It feels lonely and broken.

Then she felt it, a shift. Someone was with her and she can't see them.

"Who's there? Show yourself? " She asked. There was something wrong.

"Awww... Wittle Alice is scared? Aren't you the one causing such darkness? " a mocking voice asked her, to Alive the voice sounded familiar.

"What? I don't think this is my darkness. It's different. " she said. She knows her darkness, her darkness to her was soothing to her nerves. This, this was trying to kill her.

"Are you sure? Have you really understood your darkness dear Alice? Have you really understood your connection to it? " the voice asked, tone mocking her. Then she felt it, like her soul being sucked away from her body.

"I do! I understand my darkness. " she defended herself, she was trying to keep calm, her soul being sucked is scary but she thought, she had to stay calm.

"If you really do? Then why are you struggling to grasp it? Or else dear Alice, you'll die. Hahahaha! " the mocking voice said and suddenly, she felt alone. With only the darkness with her.

"What? " she asked, her voice only a whisper. She couldn't understand what the voice entailed but she knew, there was something missing. She had been using her darkness for almost all her life. She was confused.

She was losing conciousness when suddenly, she stumbled and then she got it. Her shadows, her darkness always, always conveys what she was feeling inside. What she couldn't understand is why? Why was her darkness feeling lonely? She was happy right? But her darkness. All she can feel when inside it is hallowness. Why would she feel hallow inside?

"Why indeed dear Alice? " A voice much more familiar this time.

"Mom? "She asked. She thought she was hearing things, she can't hear her mom at times like this. She cannot.

"What's stopping you from feeling complete happiness? You should let go of several things. You should...think about things you'll let go." Her mom's voice was soothing but then, she remembered Penelope.

"Why should I listen to you? What if you're here just to confuse me? " she asked, suspicious of everything. Her mother only laughed.

" Things you should let go sweetheart and then, you'll understand why I, why we did it. " her mother said and she was again left in the dark. She was trying to think of what to let go, she sighed as she thought and listed the things she should let go.

"Distrust? Pain? Denial? Denial? Denial of what? "She asked herself, she couldn't believe her list after all. She heard a giggle after she said those but she was still alone. Even though she was confused, an epiphany came to her. Her darkness started to become warm with love. Love she surpressed and she started to feel stronger.

"Oh no! No!!! This is ridiculous! This is stupid.... " She said and then she trailed off as she felt herself weaken again. Another giggle was heard.

"The moment you started to accept and understand your powers, is the you started to uncovering yourself. And finally, your body will fight the curse itself and you'll learn the truth hidden from you. Will you? Will you open up?" the voice said. She contemplated and she then thought about it again and again and she felt a shift from her mind and her power increasing. At a certain particular topic, she suddenly felt her cheeks heat up.

"Damn you Jacob! " She said as she felt herself accept the fact that Jacob, no matter what happens can always make her smile.

Afterwards, the a light emerged, calling her. She approached it and suddenly she was bombarded with the truth and she froze. Her eyes glowed bright purple.

"This changes everything! " she said as she felt herself being transported, she closed her eyes. And when she opened it, she was in a forest and in front of her stood both Aliyah and April who were crying and holding each other. On another side, she saw a forlorn Tremaine and a Hikari staring of space.

"I was wrong. I shouldn't have done those stuffs! I don't deserve this powers. " Hikari unconciously said. Alice frowned. There were things she understood from that light and now, she couldn't help what she would think.

Back in the cave. Yuki was admiring the ice palace that she created as she tried to accept her fate. She knew, that it was hard to accept her self when she haven't even known who she is.

But that was when she was engulfed in a light and then, now, she understood. She was named Icel. She was one of the children of her parents. Her siblings died. She was traumatized that she started to forget. And now, she remembered. Her parents supporting the opposing side. Then, there was darkness and that when she felt it, tears were flowing from her eyes.

"You've just made the biggest mistake of bringing a traitor in this cave. Now, you've made her someone who is not easy to deal with right now. "A voice said, sounding evil and cruel.

"I've messed up. "She whispered as her eyes glowed a brilliant Icy blue. She closed her eyes and just hoped arrive at where her friends was.

On another side, Nevaeh was feeling her chest tightened.

"Will you Nevaeh? Will you? Your choices have affected your friend's lives. Will you open up to them? To yourself? " An angel askes her. Nevaeh was shocked to tears, she doesn't cry easily but now, she's doing it.

"Okay.. I'll open up. I'll tell them.. I'll tell them everything. " she said as she finally cried hard. A white light engulfed her. And there, she learned the truth. The truth of the night Penelope's parents died and so did theirs.

Her eyes glowed a brilliant red and she felt herself being pulled away from the cave.

Heza opened her eyes, the truth was laid in front of her. She felt compelled to cry but she couldn't. Why would her parents do that? Were they even kidding? She felt herself hating her parents for following the wrong person. They shouldn't have done that. Now, now she's certain on her decision. She's going to follow those that helped her.

She had her eyes glowing pale pink, a contrast to her usual brilliant pink eyes. She closed her eyes and she glowed before she got transported out of the cave.

Once out, she noticed the somber look on her friends aura. Heza for her part felt her heart break some more. But she was a little unsure what to do. She noticed that only Penelope, Aiden and Maxfire are not yet there. So she settled into a much needed silence and just stared right ahead. Waiting for her remaining friends.

Maxfire for her part had a hard time grasping the words her parents are saying.

"Will you lay down your life for the betterment of your future? Will you? Maxfire, choose now, so that you'll be able to save them. " her parents said, engulfed in fire. She stared before she felt herself accept the truth.

Her eyes glowed red. A reflection of hurt is shown. She was engulfed by an orange light and there, the truth was laid after her. She felt herself smile. Her parents will be proud that she followed the right path. The king will be gone sooner than later. But then, her heart hurt and she cried for the next truth that she saw was a slap of the truth, she glowed orange then she was transported out of the cave.

"I wish.. "She whispered bitterly before a bright light has shown itself and showed the only two remaining people they were waiting for, holding each other's hands.

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