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He was confused when he entered the glowing light. He was met by a very lively ghost of his father. Where was his mother?. He was looking at him with pride and joy.

"My Aiden is all grown up. Now, my son. How about I challenge you to a duel? A knight to knight duel. " his father said. His eyes grew wide but prepared himself. He was suddenly given a sword.

His father was ready to fight him and he was more than ready to fight him too. He went and striked first  but was intercepted, then his father nade a disarming maneuver and he was left swordless with a sword pointing at his throat. His father gave him a hard stare.

"How do you supposed to help your princess when you're hesitating at fighting your important people. You'll face your friends, my son. If you choose to follow your princess, you have to stop hesitating. "His father said, he glared and kicked his ghostly floating father who was hit even in his ghostly form and was taken aback by the venom in his sons eyes. Aiden quickly took back his sword and lunged at his father.

He stopped hesitating. For his princess, he stopped hesitating. If it means it will keep her safe, he stopped hesitating. Slowly, he felt his power core come to life and his eyes turned heterochromatic. Another was black while the other glowed red. Slowly, the truth seeped through his mind but he didn't care. His princess comes first.

He fought with so much vigor that his father had a hard time keeping up. Aiden kept himself busy with his fight. That was until he disarmed his smirking father and they were just staring at each other then.

"You've started opening your potentials. Good. However, I ask you this. Son, you've known the truth now, will you still follow your princess even with her wrong decisions? " Aiden's father asked and without hesitating he answered.

"I promised and I will always be beside her. I'll keep her safe always. " Aiden said with so much conviction. His father smiled.

"Even if it will cause your demise? Even if your princess chose the wrong decision? Even if your princess made a decision that could damage every bonds that you've made? " his father asked, making sure. The conviction in Aiden's voice became more and more noticible.

"I vowed to myself that I'll follow her, whatever happens. I told myself that even if my princess makes a million wrong decision, I'll be with her all the way, and that is a promise. A vow that I will never shy away from. " He said. His father smiled. He was proud of his son.

"A true knight. Good job son. However, I need you to keep your from making anymore bad decisions. Keep her safe and I hope, you'll be able to meet your mom again soon. Till we see each other again my son. " His father said as he slowly disappear. Aiden smiled but then, he grew confused. His mother was dead, wasn't she?

A bright light glowed surrounding him. Then, he stumbled as the glowing stopped and she was suddenly at the side of a very frustrated Penelope trying to keep herself calm, unsuccessfully.

"You!You may be my parents but you don't control my life. I choose what I choose and I'll never be swayed. " Penelope was angrily telling her ghost parents. Aiden held her hand and it made her calm down a bit.

"Aella, please think this through? The kingdom. What will happen to it? " Penelope's mother asked. Penelope just smirked.

"Wouldn't you like to know? Don't worry. I just followed your advice and now, they'll pay. All of them! " she replied smugly. Aiden noticed how Penelope's heterochromatic eyes was glowing in a brilliant color. One pink and the other blue. He was so mesmerized that he notice a gold ring outlining the iris of Penelope 's eyes.

"Aella, don't do it! You will be killed. " Penelope's father pleaded. It seemed as if Penelope isn't changing her decision anymore.

"Aella is dead. The person younare talking to right now isn't Aella, but Penelope. Aella. Is. Dead! " She said as emphasized the last three words she spoke.

"Aella.... "Her mother started saying but she cut her off with a stare as she said.

"Penelope. Pe. Ne. Lo. Pe. Is it that hard to accept that I chose my own destiny? Are you really not understanding my situation here. Damn and I thought you were supposed to be my parents. " she said as her lips drew a thin line.

"But Penelope, sweetheart. It's too dangerous. You'd be killed. As much as I appreciate you avenging our deaths,its too risky." Her mother said worriedly. Penelope just smirked.

"I have a knight at my side. So long as he doesn't make me change ny decisions, then he'll be able to help. That is if he would. " Penelope said and they stared at a dumbfounded Aiden.

Aiden, collecting himself smiled.

"I'm telling you the thing I told my dad. No matter what she does, I'll always follow her. I'll protect her and even die for her if I have to. I vow to give my life to my princess  and your daughter. " Aiden spoke, the conviction clear. Penelope smiled smugly.

"See? Now, I accepted myself and when I get out of here, I'll make sure all of them is did. And I'll start with Pyra's daughter, Maxfire. " Penelope said with a look in her eyes.

Her parents just shook their heads.

"Just remember sweetheart, revenge isn't everything. " Her mother said as her parents disappeared. She turned to look at Aiden.

"You chose me? " she asked as Aiden nodded. Penelope smiled and hugged Aiden.

"I promised you didn't I? I'll be there every step of the way. " Aiden said and Penelope smiled.

" We should go before the others gets worried. We don't want them to think of anything right? " Penelope said as she held Aiden's hand.

"Yes. But, you should really rethink your plans soon. " Aiden commented and with a scowl, Penelope and Aiden was transported out of the cave and into the forest.

"PENELOPE! AIDEN! " The others chorused as they saw them both. Instead of talking, Penelope quickly started walking back to their new headquarters and Aiden quickly followed. Hurt and confused, the others just followed. They saw Penelope's scowl and the look on Aiden's face was danger.

When they lost track of Penelope and Aiden, they followed the nature's whispers about the house that was their headquarters and hoped that Penelope and Aiden would be able to find them.

Penelope was glaring at Aiden but they spoke. Suddenly, Penelope in a fit of rage shoot an air slicer that almost hit Aiden if only for his nullifying powers.

"I vowed right? So, I'll help you. But if this proceeds, I'd be dead and you'll have no one that will help you. "Aiden said. Penelope glared.

"Don't you take think of me that way Lancer. "She said and lunge at the nullifyer. While Aiden just stood there and waiting for the impact.

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