Just another date

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(Present time)

America tapped his finger quietly on the side of glass. He was careful not to drink too much alcohol and gulp down water constantly.

Japan looked drunk. No. He was drunk. He always swayed from side to side. His head almost rolled backwards in his state and left over whiskey dribbled slowly from his mouth like saliva.

America found it sickenly amusing and rested his chin on his palm as he watched Japan take even more shots.

After a while, America knew he'd gotten Japan as drunk as he thought he needed and began to put a stop to Japan's drinking. "Don't you think that's enough sweetie?" Japan looked up drunkly, he probably didn't even know what was going on anyway. America sighed. He forcefully snatched the bottle from Japan and slammed it against the table.

Japan's eyes flashed with fear for a few seconds and America felt annoyed from Japan's weakness. But America knew he had to calm Japan down before he...well you can probably guess.

"Oops! I'm sorry honey, I didn't mean to be scary." America laughed, obviously fake. Japan hadn't seemed to calm down. Annoyance swirled in America's gut and he leaned his face in closer towards Japan's. "You know that right."

Maybe America made Japan so frightened he calmed down or Japan just really was that drunk. But it didn't matter to America for long. He only found accomplishment in getting Japan into his trunk. It almost felt easy. Once America got Japan outside, all he really had to do was punch him violently in his jaw and that was it. Japan crippled down to the ground like a wooden doll.

Even though he'd successfully gotten Japan. America frowned the whole drive. He liked challenges. "Too drunk I suppose." America sighed again and focused back on the road.

"Guess I could have more fun with him when he's awake."

I'll let you guys vote for the POV's (~‾▿‾)~





Side note: none of the pictures I post in these chapters are mine. Credit goes all to the original artists.

Anyway, have a great day/night! ♥️

Lies and Limes {Fanfic / AU / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now