Bad Memories

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                Russia's POV (Past time)

Gradually, my eyes began to swell open, almost like I'd just woken up from a long ass nap.

My eyes widened and I looked around swiftly. I didn't know where I was at first, before I remembered what had happened.

All I could remember was that weird country coming up to me and squirming in my chest, like a creepy cuddle. And from there, everything went dark.

After a few seconds, I realized my hand was covering my nose and I pulled my palm down below my face. Blood was splattered inside my hand and I could feel pain dripping from my nose.

"S-shit what happened?"

Moving my head up, I stared around the locker room and noticed the red country's body still there. Wait, where's that other country at?

I guess there was no point in looking since he'd only cause me trouble anyway.

I focused back to the body that was still seeping blood onto the ground. Weird, I couldn't look away from it. Shaking my head, I tried to get my mind out the gutter.

I should just walk away...yeah.

But the more I thought about it, the more memories came flashing back.

Ukraine tapped at the bandage on his eye and growled to himself. "This is fucking dumb!"

My eyes widened and I nervously tried to shut up Ukraine. "D-don't swear brother! You know what Father will do if he hears you saying stuff like that."

Shaking his head, Ukraine glared at me. "Don't you see big bro? If we don't stand up to Father, how are we supposed to stop him from bullying at us!?"

I breathed out and lied my palm down on Ukraine's hand. I stared down into my younger brother's eyes with a sad look. "We...we can't make him stop. So quit trying. I don't want to see you get hurt even more."

Ukraine opened his mouth but immediately closed it. I knew what was going through his mind. It wasn't his fault, he's just troubled, that's all.

I stared again back down at the body. I thought about the stripped country and remembered those few words.

"He's just troubled, that's all."

Whatever the country did to the one on the ground, it must've been for a reason right?

I knew I couldn't touch anything without my body going through it, well except that one country, but I could touch the dead. After all, I'm dead too after all.

Before I knew it, I was carrying the limp body of the country and floating through the floor. The dirt under the school was a weird orange color and seemed tightly packed. Good enough.

I released the body and it seemed to stay perfectly still in the ground, weirdly enough. I slipped back up and breathed out. I can't believe I just did that, especially for that country.

Suddenly, my head started to throb and I coughed up blood. The chunky, red substance landed on the ground and melted away as if it were water on a hot summer sidewalk. "Gross," was all I whispered.

But the headache didn't go away and I dragged myself through the walls of the school until I reached a closet.

It was cold in here. All crowded and dark, but I guess it didn't really matter.

I slumped down onto the ground and rubbed my head with my freezing hands, hoping that would be enough for the pain to cease. My eyes felt drowsy and the pain made me even more exhausted. And soon enough my eyelids started to say down.


The smell of blood was fresh as I stared down at Ukraine's body. My eyes twitched and my body shook violently. Nothing processed in my mind and it was like time had stopped right then and there.

The tall stranger, or Britian as Father called him, rested his hand on my shoulder. I could almost see his grin from behind my back.

My breathing stopped and Britian took it as a cue for him to speak. "Don't worry. Your brother isn't dead, well, atleast not for now. He just won't have any memory of you is all."

My fists balled up and I turned around to face the tall country. I glared into his eyes, more angry than terrified. "Forget about me? What are you talking about!"

Britian gave me a cold look and a bored frown. "It's pretty self explanatory, don't you think?"

Instead of biting back a remark at him, my gut twisted in despair. I didn't want Ukraine to forget about me. I don't even know why this was all happening.

"Why...why are you doing this to me?" I whispered to the country while looking down at the ground.

Britian chuckled and patted my head lightly. "Your father paid me a few bucks to do...something to you." He snickered to himself once again and continued, "but don't worry."

Britian crouched down and grabbed the bottom of my chin, raising my face up to his eyes. "You'll soon be immortal."


I hugged Ukraine's body. He was still warm, which gave me hope. Britian still hadn't told me what being immortal meant, but he said it's what Father wanted.

"Hurry up, I won't wait all night for you to cuddle up with your brother."

Tears slipped down my cheeks and onto Ukraine's neck. Blinking away the water in my eyes, I quickly turned my head to Britian. "Can't we take Ukraine with us!?"

The country shook his head and crossed his arms. "He'll be awake by the time we get where we need to, and the whole reason he's almost dead is for him to forget you."

My lips quivered and I glanced back down at Ukraine once more.

"But I don't want him to forget me..."

Oof, sorry it took so long, but I should be updating more often now...hopefully 😅






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