Just a normal day

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USSR's POV (Present time)

I stared down at the soon-to-be dead Ukraine. Depression had taken over his body and flipped it inside out. It was almost sad. The way Ukraine always twitched his fingers as if life was still trying to hold on.

I rested my palm on his twitching hand to calm it down. It seemed to work but only dug a deeper hole in my gut.

My feet walked backwards and I slowly sat awkwardly on the white seat behind me. Memories rushed over me and my hands cupped over my eyes.

I wish I could get rid of this awful part of me.

A long beeping woke me up from a horrible nightmare and I shot my head up to Ukraine's bed. My eyes moved to the screen beside his bed. The line...it ran flat.

I didn't call a doctor over though. I knew it was over for Ukraine. And even if he were to live, it's not like he'd even want to.

I just stared at the line, hoping the annoying beeping would just silence. Some doctors rushed in and I knew it was my cue to leave. I didn't even give them a chance to call me out, I just left.


I crept slowly up the stairs. I didn't want to wake up Belarus, even if she was a deep sleeper.

Once I'd gotten to her room, I found her door was cracked open enough for me to peer in and check up on her. But even before I got to her room, a croaking-like noise echoed from her room. I was surprised and cracked the door open a little more to see what was going on.

Belarus was criss-crossed on the floor. A metal bucket was rested underneath her head and she looked to be leaning her back forwards.

The croaking noise went off again, but this time I got to see what made it.

Belarus did. Her fingers shot up her throat violently. Her breathing seemed to quicken and shorten at the same time. Not a moment after, puke started to pour out her mouth and into the shaky bucket.

The puke dripped from her fingers since she left her hand in her mouth the entire time. She pulled a towel out from under her bed and wiped it off quickly.

I sighed and closed the door quietly. Once it was almost fully shut, I knocked on it. Clambering could be heard from inside and the door slammed inwards.

She looked pale and nervous as she saw me. I didn't say anything. It must've made her more anxious though, since she backed up a little.

"I..." I paused. I just couldn't tell her. After what I just saw, I can't tell her, her only brother's gone.

I stared her in the eyes for a moment, hoping she'd bark at me to go away. She didn't. So I had to wave my hand in a goodbye and shut her door gently.

I decided to go for a smoke. It was a lovely day after all. Why not take advantage of it?

A soft breeze bit at my face and I snapped my lighter. The flame grew and my lighter smacked up as I lit the choppy cigarette. Must've been old or something since it looked charred and picked at.

Once I lit it, I inhaled the disgusting smoke and breathed out immediately, not caring if I'd cough up. Of course, I did cough, but I learned my fair share of how to deal with it, and went back to doing the exact thing over and over.

Not soon after my first few smokes, the moon was beginning to clamber down other houses and the sky started to fade black.

I dropped the butt and smashed it with my foot against the wooden porch. It felt good. To feel like everyone else for a few seconds. I'd always see countries walk around, smoking however they could. I liked the feeling of knowing you can do things other people can. Comforting almost.

But as soon as I dropped the cigarette, reality kicked in.

I turned my head back to the house. Belarus must be asleep. Good.

My hand fell down into my pocket and I pulled out the lighter. After I was able to snap it to life. I looked at the flame in the pitch darkness. It was beautiful. Good for lighting cigs, perfect for other things too.

Other things...

I turned my eyes back to the house, noticing it's nicely polished wood walls.

"I-I can't tell her." The words caught in my throat and my arm shot up, the lighter flew in the air and soon landed on the side of the house. A flame erupted slowly.


This chapter was sad to write ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)






Lies and Limes {Fanfic / AU / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now