Pew pew

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Before you begin to read, I just wanna say I'm sorry to the people who wanted USSR. The votes were mostly America and I wanted to keep it fair. Sorry! (ᗒᗩᗕ)

           America's POV (Present time)

I could smell the fear coming from Japan. It was sweet and had a tinge of honey. My smile grew wider and I brung the knife up to my tongue.

The scalpel sliced the beginning of my tongue and cut through the tough flesh. Small droplets of blood poured onto me and Japan's lap. The warmth from the blood comforted me, but Japan only seemed to shake and stare down at the blood drop stains with horror.

I swiped up my arm and clenched Japan's cheeks, making his lips squeeze together. I moved my head towards his. I retracted my tounge and licked his lips, letting blood drip down his mouth.

I released his jaw and let his mouth fall down in relief, even if he couldn't move it.

"Isn't it beautiful Japan?-"

I froze. My eyes grew down to slits, and the noise paused, but not quick enough.

Reclining out of my sitting position, I'd gotten on my feet. I turned my body around towards the slow breathing I heard before and saw him...Russia.

He was bending his body, clearly listening to what I was doing before. He didn't seem scared that I found him, but I could see tiny sweat droplets form down his head in anxiousness.

I dropped the scalpel on the cement, and the blood that remained had splattered. My smile grew almost to my eyes. Even more lust filled my eyes and I blushed everywhere; my hands felt warm, my face, and even my legs.

I ran forward and Russia clambered up into a standing position. He looked annoyed as I came crashing over to where he stood in the open doorway.

I spread out my arms and piled them over Russia's chest. He didn't hug back but it still felt good. So warm, even for a ghost.

Russia pushed me back and pinched my chin, raising my head towards his. He spoke with bitter words, "what are doing idiot." I kept my grin and replied calmly back. "Going on another date with my boyfriend of course!"

Russia shook his head as if I'd said something wrong and stared back down at me. "No you dumbass, why'd you cut your tongue!" My heart started to race with love and I rested my palm on his arm. "Ooh! Is someone worried I'm injured?" Russia hadn't replied, he kept his stone cold face and let go of mine.

"Ugh, you're going to do something stupid so I have to stay with your bastard ass." Russia spoke calmly and I didn't argue.

Once I'd gotten back to Japan he looked more frightened. Crap, he must've saw me talking to nothing. I clenched Japan's face with my hand and ran my thumb across the blood that drooled down his lips. "Hey Japan, honey?" He looked at me curiously, still with fear.

"Wanna have some real fun?"

Japan started to shake physically and I answered to his movements, "I'll take that as a yes!"

Excitement ran down through my veins and I started to shiver with joy. I hopped off Japan's lap and walked gracefully over towards the tool area.

Russia glared at me as I walked past and I gave him an affectionate wave.

Finally, I'd gotten to the shelf I wanted. It was pretty empty, but I only wanted one thing here. My eyes caught the large, blue tub and I painfully brought it down to my level. I placed it onto the floor and stared at the beautiful knives that shimmered inside.

The tub was my 'lucky bucket'. I'd pull something out and use it for my dates. I liked surprises, and randomized weapons made my blood giggle.

I shot my hand down the blades without hesitation. I could feel the cold cuts from the blades and I smiled, thrilled to find out what I would get.

Something chilly pulled at my fingers and I knew that I wanted this one, whatever it was.

My hand shot back up and blades had sliced through my arm once again. But I didn't care. I was so cheerful once I saw my weapon. It was in the shape of a gun but once I fiddled around with it, I realized I could pull the trigger and I knife would pop out the muzzle.

Once I got to the doorway, Russia was still leaning on the frame and looked surprised when he saw all the tiny cuts on my arm. But I quickly reassured him, hoping he wouldn't think I did any of it, "It's just my lucky box." I smiled and he seemed somewhat relieved and a little still annoyed.

I skipped happily over towards Japan's seat and smiled once again. I moved my eyes inches away from his and giggled.

Japan still had the weird dread scrunched up on his face and It made me feel a little bored. "Maybe this'll cheer you up!" I snickered and pulled my head back at the same time I pointed the end of the gun to his eye.

Japan was now definitely shaken up. His arms shook rapidly in the rope and his whole body almost knocked down the whole chair.

I didn't react to his movements though. I felt trapped in pure pleasure. I was silent for a few solid moments before whispering, "Pew pew."

The knife exploded from its hiding place and Japan froze as the knife skidded roughly into his eye.


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