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             America's POV (Past time)

I glared at the tall country. He had broad shoulders and looked decently masculine. I can’t just let him run away though, he’d definitely tell someone.

Though, if I were to kill him, it wouldn’t be too easy. But that made it so much more exciting. Finally, a challenge.

A long moment of silence passed between us, he wasn’t showing any signs of fear but his eyes gave off a small hint of embarrassment.

I was confused for a second, before realizing he must’ve seen me and China before hand. I grew a little more annoyed and tugged on the part of my shirt covering my dick.

The country still hadn’t moved so I decided to take advantage of the situation. My hand reached down in my pocket and I gripped onto the knife I’d cut China’s stomach open with.

I squinted at the country, trying to look for weak points. It looked like his neck was vulnerable. I shuffled my feet, ready to sprint at the country. And after more seconds of silence, I dashed towards the country, the knife invisible inside my sleeve.

My hand flew out of my sleeve and I extended out my arm, getting a good aim at the country’s neck. But suddenly, the country dashed sideways.

It was not unusual for people to dodge my attacks, but this country, he went through the lockers.

Half of his body still hung out from the lockers and his once paralyzed face, was now one of annoyance. I gasped, surprised by his ghost-like abilities. But I let my shock fall apart and a new anger spread through me.

Looking closer, I noticed a little gash on his neck. So he wasn’t invincible. I still wondered if other people could see him, but I didn’t want to risk it and let him live.

It was the first time I really saw the country. He looked very familiar but I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

The country lifted his palm and wiped a small patch of blood that stained on his neck. He looked down at his bloody hand and instantly shot his eyes up at me. I flinched at his cold glare and scowled back. He wasn’t going to scare me that easily.

I frowned and spoke to the country only a few yards away from me, "how...how did you go through the locker?" I knew it was a stupid question but I was genuinely curious. 

He looked back at me like I was some kind of idiot and it picked at my skin. "Real question. How can you even see me?"

I bit my tongue through anger. Fuck this dude. I twisted the knife handle tightly in my hands and clenched my pointy teeth. "Hell would I know?" My hand shot up and I pointed the knife in his direction. "All I know is that I gotta kill you."

The country gave me a confused look and glared at me, "what's even the point?"

Ok, now I wanted to bash his head into the wall.

I opened my mouth but he cut me off. "It's not like anyone can see me."

"But I can see you!"

He looked even more frustrated, "yeah? Well that's what I'm trying to figure out!" He peeked down towards my chest and turned his head away quickly. "Ugh, cover up your damn dick!"

I looked down and noticed the shirt hadn't been successful in covering my lower body up much.

Suddenly, an idea popped into my mind.

I smirked and pulled my hand up to my lips. Licking the tips of my fingers, I stared straight into the country's eyes. He seemed weirded out but I continued to speak as a smile grew up my cheeks. "Why were you looking down there?"

My eyes widened at the country's large blush. I was surprised. I didn't expect him to react so quickly and according to plan.

I purred like a gutted cat, trying to sound weird and cute at the same time. "Didn't expect that from some one like you."

The country's hands started to shake and his blush slowly faded, yet, there was still a hint of fluster in his eyes.

I was talented with speed and took advantage of it. I slipped carefully and swiftly towards the tall country. He hadn't even realized before I was already cuddling up to his chest and looking up to his face.

My eyes grew soft and I whispered weakly inches from his shocked face. "Shhh."

Warm, thick blood gushed onto my hand and I'd twisted the knife around inside his stomach roughly. I wasn't even looking at his face, though he was probably already drooling blood.

Excitedly I looked up, ready for a dead look from the country. But, who would've known I'd be so wrong.

My amusement faded and was replaced with shock. The country had a shadow cast over his eyes, but they were illuminated a deep red. His expression was unreadable and no blood dripped from anywhere on his mouth.

This was one of the rare times that horror would drown my entire body.

I felt a sharp pain to my hip and realized the country was pulling me closer, almost uncomfortablely. As his one arm pushed on my hip, his other arm pulled on my leg, pulling me closer to his face.

Once I could feel his shallow breaths against my mouth, he smirked and whispered, "you can't kill what's already dead."

Immediately, another crippling pain came from my back and I gasped for air from the shock. I opened my eyes to see myself backed up against the locker, both my legs in the country's arms.

He grew closer to my face, until finally, his lips reached mine. T-this is not what I had in mind.

He pulled out his tongue and licked my upper lip. I struggled in his grip but to no avail. Now, he was falling down to my neck and my heart strained against my chest. Teeth clenched on my shoulder and I started to breathe heavily.

"Fucking hell..."

Well that was  i n t e n s e  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Vote! Also no America and Russia this time since that's all it ever is, lol, sorry. They'll be in the next chapters for the 'vote system' though, so don't worry 😅






Lies and Limes {Fanfic / AU / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now