Locker Rooms

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You might get confused on what's happening so I'll explain it a little: All the chapters so far have been of America being 17, but last chapter he was a kid. This chapter will also change time to where America is a teen, around 14-16, however you determine it.

Russia's POV (Past time)

My hand covered my mouth and I was hiding in one of the dark closets. Nobody would go in here, and even if they did, it's not like they could see me.

I didn't know why I was hiding. It felt weird. I could've just left the school but I was an idiot and decided on hiding.

Ever since I witnessed that thing in the locker room, I didn't feel like ever going out of the closet.

What if that country saw me again. He'd definitely try and kill me. Ugh, why does being a ghost have to be so complicated! I feel like breaking my neck right now.
I was bored today. Not a surprise really. I decided maybe going inside a high school might be entertaining, nope, everyone in this building felt damn depressed.

Listening to drama from other students wasn't very fun either. Nobody fought and nobody talked much either. Boring if you ask me.

I heard there was a locker room not far away on the other side of the building. I wanted to check it out and I didn't know much about it anyway.

Floating above the ground, I headed towards the other side of the building.

Once I'd gotten there, and found the locker room, I noticed how modern it looked from the outside. It had a white door and little fake plants outside of it, usually leaning against a wooden bench or two.

Without even thinking twice, I floated right through the wall. Big mistake. I knew locker rooms were used for making out and all that shit, but what I heard was full on fucking moaning. It was instantly too.

I was going to turn away but my dumb ass wanted to take a peek. I know it was weird, but being a virgin ghost, it's hard not to find stuff like this interesting.

My hand gripped onto the locker. It's not like I don't know what sex is, it's just creepy for me to be spying on people doing it. I took in a deep breath trying to calm down myself.

Finally, my head moved forward over the lockers and to the sight of the two countries.

They were both on a bench, one holding down the other and thrusting back and forth. Y'know, the usual sex position. I peered closer, trying to make out the country on the bottom.

Even bigger mistake.

The country looked familiar. He had red and white stripes along his face with a small, blue box in the corner of his head, a bunch of stars inside of it.

I blushed, embarrassed at the sight of the country. He looked so vulnerable, his eyes full of lust, sweat dripping down his entire body, goddamn he even had his tongue sticking out with a huge smile planted up his face.

I didn't recognize the country on top. He had a red head, and that was all that I could see from where I was standing. I tried to remember all the red countries I've seen before but none popped into my head.

After a few moments, I realized I was still staring and I quickly turned away. What the hell is up with me today? I felt like slapping myself.

Not even a few seconds after I turned back away, there was a grunt of pain and a thump. My eyes widened and my heart caught in my throat. What was that!?

I had to swallow the lump in my throat to try and think for a second. I didn't want to look again but it sounded like someone had something clogged inside their throat. It was a gross noise but it was tempting to look over.

So I did.

A naked body lied on the floor, guts spilling out their stomach. I felt like throwing up as even more blood and guts poured out the country's chest. It was even worse since they groaned and twitched. They were still alive.

The pool of blood was highly reflective and my eyes grew again as I saw the country with red and white stripes approach the country on the ground.

He began to caress the country's face. I just stood there, confused and terrified. The country started to whisper and I instinctively strained my ears to listen (doesn't even have ears lol).

"Sorry honey, don't take this personally." The country whispered sweetly and kissed the suffering country's forehead. Then the naked country stood up and pulled a shirt from the floor that he must've taken off.

He slipped the white shirt on, his dick and chest now covered up.

Awkwardly, I tried to move backwards, also trying to not make eye contact. Not that he'd even see me though.


My blood ran cold and my body started to twitch. I shot my head up. It was the country, he stared straight at me and looked angry. He's not talking to me, right?

I didn't continue walking, I was paralyzed in fear. The country kept staring at me, his face scrunched up in an annoyed expression.

I don't know what caused me to say it, but I said it, "are you talking to me?"

"Of course I am, cunt!"

Sorry this took a while, I have school and bad insomnia. This chapter isn't my favorite but I felt really tired when writing it. Anyway...






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