Crazy Night (Ending)

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          America's POV (Present time)

     Sorry for the lack of updates, btw

My hand gripped onto Aussie's shoulder and I felt myself become warm. Warm with frustration and regret. I knew I should've put a lock on that damn door.

Too late now, Aussie already saw Japan. There's nothing I can do except. . .

A heard soft sobbing and I looked down at the top of Aussie's head. I couldn't see him crying but I could sure as hell hear it.

My heart ached. I was a little crazy in the head but Aussie was different. He was my little brother.

No, I thought as I grinned. What happens down in the basement, stays down in the basement.

I was reassured when I felt all of my sympathy wash away like water dripping through open hands. My heart didn't ache for Aussie anymore, it ached for a knife. Oh, how comforting it would be to have one right about now.

I bent down to the side of Aussie's head and whispered sweetly to him. "I heard what you did to Father, Spiderman. Canada and I had to go clean up the mess." I couldn't help but let a little chuckle flow from my lips. "I must say, you are brutal."

I exaggerated the last word, it helped feed my ego.

Aussie began to tremble and I could feel my palm wobbling on his shoulder. His breathing grew quick and short.

"'re not going to kill me, right?"

I shook with laughter and a smile slipped up my face like a sliver. I squeezed hard onto Aussie's shoulder and he let out a faint gasp. "Why would I do anything like that? I mean after all, Father was a little bit of a bastard anyway."

I thought crossed my mind and I raised my head in excitement. "Oh oh, we can both be murder buddies!"

Once again, I bent down my head and spoke to Aussie quietly. "How does that sound?"

Aussie went silent and I couldn't even hear his breathing. I think he might've went into shock but he shuffled around and mumbled. "You're a monster."


I lifted the cold spoon of cereal into my mouth and swallowed hesitantly. The tasteless, plastic like pill slid down into my throat. I felt I was going to choke for a moment but I sucked in air so I wouldn't.

Mom said I had to take the pill because I was sick. Mother never really told me how I was sick and I didn't bother asking.

Although, once in a while I would ask her about it but I stopped trying after she went into a mental breakdown one time. I didn't like the words she said about herself that day so I didn't ask about the sickness after that.

I don't wanna be sick. Not like I feel sick anyway. Actually, I think Mom might be more sick than me. She always looks starved and tired. Especially when she's drinking on the couch at midnight.

"Ame! Go fetch the mail would you, dear." I stared up from the table and at Mom. She flashed me a sad smile and I nodded back. "Sure Mom. Anything for you!"

Scrambling out of the chair, I ran towards the door. It was always fun to go outside and fetch the mail. I'd never been allowed outside often, besides school.

The door slammed open before I could reach it and a tall country stood tall before me.


His eyes were dark and I observed him respectfully with my hands behind my back. "Uh, back already, Father?"

Lies and Limes {Fanfic / AU / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now