Death comes quickly

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             Japan's POV ( Present time )

All of my bones felt like they were breaking in half as I curled up in a ball and tried to get comfortable on the thin matress.

Ever since last night, I could hear voices. New voices. They came from upstairs and I'm pretty sure there were three new people. Two of them were children, I think.

Often times, I would try and scream for help. It's either they didn't care or they just couldn't hear me. I guess that would make sense though. Everyday my voice would get scratchy and I'd hate to hear it.

Sleeping wasn't easy down here, too. It was always cold and not to mention America.

My eyes slowly grew tired and my whole body felt as if it were shutting down. Was I going to die? Well, I guess any place is better than here. . .

"Japan! Baby, wake up. Dinner is ready."

As soon as I thought I was going to escape this hell, I had to hear that devil's voice. I tried to keep my eyes shut so that America might think I'm dead. Maybe he'd throw me away. I could escape.

A hand gripped onto my side and shook me from side to side. "Aww, don't play dead now, honey bear. I might be a little crazy but I'm not stupid."

Well that plan failed.

I regretfully opened my eyes and was surprised to find America's face only inches from mine. Before I could turn away, he gave me a peck on the lips. Then he stood back up and went over to a far off table.

While he was gone for a minute, I was wiping my mouth with my hand. I hated when that monster kissed me. I hated everything he did, I hated him.

But my hatred wouldn't get rid of him, or at the very least, help me.

America had gotten back and he was holding a white, glass plate. I couldn't see what was on it because of it being high up, but I guessed it was something disgusting.

Once America leaned down and was at my height level, I could finally see what was on the plate. A white substance squirmed around on the plate and I instantly knew what I was dealing with. Maggots.

I pushed back my head in disgust. America seemed annoyed, and pulled out a fork from who knows where.

The fork slammed onto the plate and straight into the body of a pale white maggot. As the sharp end of the fork was still stabbed into the maggot, it had kept squirming around with jerky movements.

My head hurt just from looking at the gross scene. But America seemed to think differently. He had a smile and stuck out his tongue at the side of his mouth. "Open up Japan. I promise they aren't so bad. Plus, you got to eat something."

I would rather starve.

The fork and maggot came disturbingly close and I wrenched my body backwards. My back was now against the wall and my knees ached from kneeling on the bed.

America seemed annoyed and stood up again. Except this time, I couldn't even see him move. He was so quick that the first time I blinked open my eyes, he was kneeling on the bed infront of me.

"Hehe. Come on, Japan. Don't be so pigheaded. You know I don't like it when you are so disobedient."

I thought America would try and force feed me the maggot but instead, he ate it himself. The fork slipped inside his mouth and so did the maggot.

It looked so normal, but that wasn't the weirdest part. The whole time America was putting the maggot into his mouth he was staring straight into my eyes and his mouth was still creased into a smile.

America leaned in close to my face. His hand went onto my cheek compassionately, and his lips slipped onto mine. I was still shocked so I didn't react to the kiss, even when America slipped his tongue into my mouth and swirled it around.

We shared saliva, but what I didn't know was that America had also shared the maggot.

Although I quickly noticed, it didn't even matter because America was holding his hand over my mouth, preventing me from spitting the bug out.

I could feel the awful "food" move around on my tongue and a foul stench flood inside my entire mouth.

I might have had a chance to not swallow the maggot, but I stupidly threw up in my mouth. I knew that if I swallowed the throw up, that I would also consume the maggot.

America must've noticed too, since my cheeks were puffed up. "You're so cute, Japan. But it makes me sad that you won't eat your dinner that I prepared."

I knew what I had to do and it made my stomach turn. I let the puke slide down my throat and into my stomach. My first instinct was to throw up again but the nightmare would only repeat itself so I kept my mouth shut.

America realized my cheeks were deflated and released his hand from my lips. Another wave of love showed in his sinister expression. Unexpectedly, he pushed his head against my chest.

Strangely enough, he felt warm against me and I couldn't help but let him lie against me.

We stayed in this position for a while before America leaned back up. I was stunned to find tears flowing in puffy lines down his face. His eyes looked red and full of unending pain.

I didn't care, though.

His smile was no more. It was replaced with a miserable frown. "I-" He couldn't even speak properly without choking on his own words. "I'm so s-sorry, Japan."

Confused at first, I tilted my head. America never said sorry. Why would he say it now?

America's hand shot down into his hoodie pocket and he pulled out something dark and small. He held it unsteady in his hands and pointed it straight at my head.

. . .a pistol.

Tears still clogged his eyes and I could see him switching off the safety. I didn't close my eyes. If I was going to face death, I was going to face it with open arms.



Well I do say, that definitely went out with a bang. If you know what I mean. Just kidding lol 😏

Also just a small announcement. I'm making a One shots book. I'll be publishing it soon, so look out for that if you're interested.

Anyway, have a great day/night! ♥️

Lies and Limes {Fanfic / AU / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now