No witnesses allowed

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              Aussie's POV (Present time)

I was sprawled on the couch uncomfortably. Kiwi was right beside me. He was asleep while the TV played some odd kid's show. I couldn't sleep though so I decided to sit and think.

Although there wasn't much to think about, I still found something weird to think about. America. I don't know why, he was just always an interesting topic for me. Especially when I saw him talk to thin air a few nights ago.

Also, a few days ago there was a loud bang downstairs. America said he'd dropped something but I didn't really believe him. But he never lets us downstairs so I let it go.

Now that I think about it, America is always talking. Sometimes to me and Canada, but mostly when he's alone upstairs. I can hear him from across the hallway upstairs or when I'm on the ground floor.

My eyes must've been too curious because I found myself staring at the door that leads to the stairs. I could always catch a glimpse of the moldy, wooden stairs everytime America went down there. It seemed a little sketchy to me.

My feet moved my body out of the slumped position and I was standing with my back towards Kiwi.

I could hear the characters on the TV show talking but it was faint. For some reason there was a small voice in the back of my head. It was quiet but I knew it was telling me this was a bad idea.

To be completely honest, I wanted to listen to the voice, but of course I didn't.

My socks made a low shuffling sound on the tile as I moved over to the door.

The TV was now only a soft whisper and the voice was a loud scream. But it didn't have to tell me twice. I'd already made up my mind.

I was going downstairs.

Before I knew it, I was face to face with the broken down door. I could feel my breath flow back towards me as it bounced off the wood and back in my face. My eyes blinked slowly and my heart caught in my throat.

No turning back now.

I stared down at my hand and brought it cautiously up to the bronze knob. I was surprised to find it creak open. You would expect America to put a lock on these type of things.

I felt like an ant as I stared down past the darkness and down at the bottom of the stairs. It seemed normal. Let's hope that's all it is.

I breathed a quick breath and drew a foot forward. Fortunately, there was no creak in the old stairs as I stepped onto a lower one, and I felt reassured. "You can do this Australia..."

With a small frown, I continued down the steps.

Finally after a while of a tense look on my face, I'd made it to the bottom. It didn't look out of the ordinary as any other basement I've been in. Yeah it looked old and creepy but that wasn't very strange.

My eyes had adjusted to the darkness and I was glad to find a small window towards the ceiling that let down light. I couldn't understand why it let down light though, it was the middle of the night. Maybe the moon was bright tonight.

I turned my attention back to the floor of the basement. It was cement and stains were littered all over.

Moving my foot forwards, I caught something glitter in the light coming from the small window. It was on the floor and it had a deep, thick red look. At first I thought nothing about it but I soon realized what I was really staring at. Blood.

No it can't be. And if it is, it's probably just from some animal. . .right?

My breathing almost stopped and my mind felt empty. A pearl white hand stuck out from the shadows not too far away from the red liquid.

A dry taste filled my mouth, and all of my guts felt as if they were twisting together. I don't know why but I felt the need to go to where the hand was.

I didn't waste anytime doing so, either.

With huge eyes, I observed the body on the cement. I didn't know what to do in the moment. It was as if I was forcefully frozen in this god forsaken basement.

Searching the body, I could see more of it in it's strange position.

A male it seemed. A wide hole dug into his head. The inside looked like fresh, raw meat and blood dripped softly from the hole. His eyes were glossed over, well, one of them was. The other eye had a weird, thin cut. Almost like a knife had been shot through it.

Over all though, the body let off a sad vibe. Maybe that's why I couldn't move or maybe from the stabbing fear pulsing through my horrified veins. Whatever it was, I wish it would stop and let my feet take me away.

Finally my breathing wasn't holding anymore and instead it was quick and heavy. I could clench my hands up in a ball and my feet felt light now.

I-I need to leave.

Suddenly, a hot hand hand weighed on my shoulder, preventing me from moving. A voice spoke and sent chills all across my body.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, Spider man."

There should only be four chapters left, or maybe more. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Anyway, have a great day/night! ♥️

Lies and Limes {Fanfic / AU / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now