Away from home

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                America's POV (Past time)

Whiskey stained the tan carpet and blood splatters dotted the walls. My breathing intensed with each second. I stared through the crack in the closet. It was crowded with clothes and other things so I had to have the two doors open a little bit.

The fear was so thick in the atmosphere, I felt I could cut it with a knife.

Again, another scream echoed through the house. I knew what it was, and that was what scared me.

It was Canada's turn this week. Father had told me to hide in the closet until the men were done with their doings.

I hated it. I hated it when Canada screamed, I hated it when the men came over, I hated Father.

Maybe this was why Father thought I was selfish, because I hated almost everything. But I knew it wasn't my fault. He tried to make me feel horrible about myself and I knew it. It didn't work. I wouldn't let someone like him bring me to such a state.

My hands were now beginning to shake. I couldn't take Canada's whimpers much longer. Tears strained down my face, and I had to hold my hand against my mouth to make as little noise as possible.

I just wanna get out of this hell hole. I wanna live somewhere far away, far away from Father. Far away from everything.

Easier said then done.

My mind came back and I hadn't even realized the foot steps coming towards my hiding spot.

Not even a moment passed when the wooden doors to the closet were slammed open. I tried to speak but a hand shot forward and tugged at the front of my shirt like a fishing hook.

The hand yanked me from my hiding spot and threw me to the ground with a hard slam. I flew my eyes upwards in horror and realized it was only Father.

He glared down at me and clenched his hands up in a ball. He hadn't seemed too forceful this time though and was beginning to relax already.

He picked me back up by the wrist and yell-whispered close to my face. "Hurry your ass out of the house. The men are coming downstairs soon and you can't keep your mouth shut whatsoever!"

I nodded reluctantly but he held back onto my wrist again. He flew his face close to mine and stared me straight in the eyes. "Run away and you know what happens."

My heart caught in my throat and he released me from his grip. His arm stretched out into the air and he pointed a finger towards the door. "Don't go far."

I scrambled quietly to the door, trying not to make a creak in the wood. My hands slipped on the door knob but I was able to get it open eventually.

I didn't let the air that smacked me in the face get in my way. I pushed, as if in a crowd, against the wind and had made it safely to a tree not far from the house.

I sighed in relief but knew this wouldn't be enough.


Rocks and leaves glided in the air as I kicked randomly at the ground. The sun hadn't come out and probably hadn't intended to since clouds painted the sky gray.

I took a breath in and out. It was a little too cold to be outside in just a ratted T-shirt and dirty shorts. Even if Father made decent money, he didn't like sharing it.

I stared at my feet and leaned my back against the wooden bench. I rolled my head back and stared silently up at the gloomy sky. A rain droplet suddenly splattered in-between my eyes and rolled down my cheek.

I continued to stare blankly up at the clouds until I felt another pair of eyes staring at me. I shot my head back up, hoping to catch the culprit. Nobody. Of course there was nobody, my imagination tends to run wild sometimes.

I was about to lean my head back down for a moment before something flashed in the corner of my eye. I sat straight back up and began to stand up.

My feet twisted sideways so that I could turn my body in case I heard anything to my side. Which was a good idea, since there was. My body did a full 90° and I was prepared in my bent down position. If I had to fight, I would.

But I paused. It wasn't the men, neither anyone else I recognized. The country looked to be taller, but I couldn't tell since he was a few meters away from where I was.

He seemed to have white, blue, and red stripes running across his face. Speaking of face, he looked basically emotionless. His eyes were empty and his movements were almost bare.

I bent my body back up and stared straight into the country's eyes. Once he noticed I was trying to make eye contact he backed up and was soon running away.

I was left standing there, probably looking like a complete idiot.


Wait, did he just run through a tree?

Sorry if I'm updating too fast! I really liked making this chapter and I hope you enjoyed reading it. People really wanted France and I'm also sorry for that too







Lies and Limes {Fanfic / AU / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now