A kiss?

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          America's POV (Present time)

The way back home was calming. Strange was the occasion. Canada asking me for help wasn't rare but it felt different.

I might've said no if it weren't for the thought of Father's rotten smirk fading into that satisfying scowl. It was so joyous to make him angry. What an annoying asshole.

I pulled up into the driveway and quickly slammed open the door. I had to get ready for their arrival. I didn't want them to see my...stuff. Especially Japan.

I reached for my keys and unlocked the many padlocks connected to my bunker like door. It was safe but annoying to unlock.

I relocked them and, as fast as a blink, I was racing down the stairs.

When I had gotten to the last step, I paused. My eyes grew with pleasure and the low moaning coming from Japan sounded like a gutted frog. I took a short moment to proudly look upon Japan's body. I did a good job if I do say so myself.

The thin skin around his eyes were nailed back with staples. It almost looked like his eyes were widened, and the way the flesh was pinned back to his face made it look like stars. The blood had dried there though, making it a little more boring.

But there was always other places I'd tampered with.

I had taken razor blades and cut them to size. Once I'd finished that, I stuck them deep into Japan's nails. I made sure to tear a bit of his flesh of his finger when doing so.

One staple began to fall lazy from an eye. It was the eye that I'd stabbed. I didn't know how to make him feel any more pain with his already punctured eye. So, I did the only thing I found entertaining.

I held Japan's head back, he squirmed but my grip was firm. I held up a small blade and lined it up to the edge Japan's eye. Quickly and painfully, I dug it in.

I had to work fast to dig around the flesh and circle around the eye since Japan struggled around even more and his whimpers started to get louder and scratchier.

I blinked back to the present and flashed a toothy grin at Japan. He didn't even look at me though. His head faced the ground and tears soaked down his blood smeared face.

Japan's body would soon rot if I didn't attempt to heal him and bring him somewhere cleaner. Not that I minded. But it's just so much more amusing to torture then to kill.

My hands waved through stacks of bandages until I felt a tough roll. I snatched it from its place and read the lable taped onto it. "Elastic bandages." This could work.
I had plenty of first aid supplies and I never really knew what was what anymore.

I turned around and called out to Japan, "Babe! I got you some-" I let out an oof as I came crashing into someone's chest. I immediately looked up and saw Russia glaring down at me.

His face looked to be scrunched up with annoyance and a small shadow was cast upon his eyes. I smirked. It was almost cute when he was angry. I put a hand up to his chest and tapped my finger against his chest. ( -_- )

He didn't seem surprised and it made me bored. I decided to rest my head against his stomach. This time I'd gotten a reaction out of him.

He pinched my cheeks and raised my head inches from his face and frowned. "What are doing...again?" He sighed at the last part but continued to glare down at me. Smiling, I brought my hand back up to his chest and responded calmly. "Trying to seduce you."

He grabbed both of my arms and hung me in the air like a drying piece of clothing. I struggled in his grip and stopped as soon as I realized how stupid I must've looked. Russia smiled in amusement, "good luck with that."

He dropped me to the ground and I scooped up the bandages quickly before rushing around Russia.

Japan still hadn't looked up as I began wrapping bandages around his face to cover up the hole where his eye had been. I had gotten a plyer before and was now poking out the staples from his face. The blades in his nails would have to stay for time purposes.

Shortly after starting, I was finished. It wasn't too hard of work and it didn't turn out well either, but it would have to do.


I scowled as I was carrying Japan's body. He was heavier than I anticipated. I kept walking around the basement, looking for where I had placed the bed. It was a metal bed with a thin matress but it would work.

Russia followed me with a smile as I struggled to carry the weight of Japan's body.

My eyes lit up as I caught the thin bed in the corner of my eye.

I slid carefully to the bed and plopped Japan onto it. Japan was half way to death's door so it didn't shock me when I saw him lolly his eye. It would be almost funny if it weren't for my damn back. Bending down to pick up Japan must've taken a toll on my bones for some reason.

I caressed my spine to relax it. Russia strode towards me and stood beside me. He moved his eyes down towards me and must've saw me clenching my teeth and trying to uncramp my back.

"Need help?"

I looked at Russia, surprised by his act. But I grinned and answered with enthusiasm, "of course Ruski! Anything from you."

He rolled his eyes but with a swift grab, he'd picked me up bridal style. I blushed furiously and felt my body warm up. Russia kept his eyes forward and only focused on what was in front of him. It really didn't matter to me though. The feeling of his hands against my back had already made me feel better.

I reached out my arms and tied them around Russia's neck. Then pulling up my head, I pecked at his cheek. "Thanks Ruski."






Lies and Limes {Fanfic / AU / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now