Brother talk

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            Canada's POV (Present time)

"You're such a complete idiot!" I kept my hands respectfully behind my back as Father yelled in my face. "Get the hell out of my damn house." I shot my eyes back up, hoping he'd change his mind.

But he quickly turned away and slammed his door as he got to his bedroom.

I sighed angryily. This is so dumb. Getting kicked out of my own house, for some crappy thing I helped America with.

A few months ago, America came up and told me he wanted to move. I knew why. He was tired of the constant rape we both endured. Father needed money and men would always come over and -you know- to me and Ame. Father didn't care though. As long as they paid him, he would still look at us like pigs.

I helped him move, of course. Though, it was difficult trying to leave without letting father or our siblings find out, and we both didn't have money.

America said he'd have a talk with the landlord of the building though. And soon, he eventually had a house. Not the cleanest but it was away from Father.

I'm almost kinda glad Father kicked me out, but I still don't have any money. And I can't just leave Aussie and Kiwi with this monster. It'd be torture for both me and them.

A thought rose to my head and I smirked to myself. I'll just ask America to live with him. I know America's house was small and there would be four of us, but I know he'll understand.

I thought of telling my siblings I'm leaving, but I knew Father and decided against it. I'll just pick them up later if America agrees.

I scooped up my blazer, put it on sloppily, and pushed open the door with the keys for the car in my hand. It was dad's car but I really didn't give two shits about that demon.


I cautiously popped open the car door, trying not to hit the car next to mine.

A few hours before, I texted America, asking him to meet me at a Cafe in town. He agreed and I started to feel calmer as I stepped out of the car and onto the dirty parking lot.

America lived two towns away so once I got in the cafe I already knew I wouldn't see him.

I got up to the cashier and ordered two Thai bubble teas. America craved them for some weird reason and got me into enjoying them too. As soon as I had collected them from the cashier, I could smell the vanilla flowing from the orangish drink.

Not many countries seemed to be here. Not a surprise though, it was pretty early.

I sat in a shiny, wooden chair. The table was small but it was enough room. I frowned as I sat down. It was pretty lonley in this place sometimes. Quiet and peaceful.

Not much time had passed and not much of my drink was empty before I heard the doors open and see America walk inside. He wore a yellow windbreaker that went down to his thighs and comfy, gray boots.

He glanced around confused at first but then caught my eye and noticed the bubble tea below me.

He smiled joyfully and skipped over toward the table; sitting down and immediately beginning to drink from the plastic cup.

After he'd drank almost half of it in a second, he began talking. "So Maple, what's got ya calling me down here?" I suddenly remembered the real reason I was here and  stared down at my feet.

America tapped on his cup, a habit of his. "You seem off, come on Maple. What's on your mind?" I clenched my teeth. I really didn't think this through, did I?

I stared back up at his face. He seemed interested. Weird. He always feels to lack emotions. And now that I mention it, he smelled different. He had a hint of blood almost.

But I ignored the strangeness and started to speak calmly. "Dad kicked me out today. Took him a while to find out I helped you." America had the same expression and replied, "weird. The bastard really is stupid."

America smiled again. I glanced up at him for a second. "You want something from me don't you?" America said. It was like he could read my mind just by looking at me.

I gained back my composure and stared him straight in the eyes. "I need a place to do the others."

America was silent. He continued to tap on his cup and he seemed to stare into space. Before I could gain back his attention, he smiled back at me again and rested his cheek against his hand. "Of course brother! I mean, you have helped me all these years."

Relief flooded over me and I relaxed back into the chair.

America stood up from his chair and handed me ten canadian dollars. "Thanks for the tea. I'll see you at my house tomorrow." He waved his hand and was out just like that. I smiled. Finally, we can get out of that hell.


I pushed back open the car door once again. The sky was already beginning to fade a light pink as I slid over to the house steps.

Once I got to the front door, I rubbed my hand against my forehead and thought for a few moments. This is really dumb of me. Returning after being threatened to leave. Well, not threatened, but Father probably wouldn't hesitate to try and punch a hole in my stomach.

My hand reached out for the knob, but not before I heard an awful breathing. It was loud and ragged. I could pick up the obnoxious breathing from outside the door and chills went down my spine.

What the hell is that sound?

Without hesitation, I turned the knob and let the door creak as it opened to darkness. Fortunately though, the light switch was near the door and I could easily reach my arm out and turn it on.

I blindly flung my hand out in the dark and found the switch. I flipped up the little button and let light flood the whole room.

My eyes grew wide and I dropped the car keys against the ground. They echoed through my mind and I stared at what was placed before me.

Australia and Father. Both on the ground. Father was on his back and Australia planted his legs on either side of Father's stomach as he sat on his chest.

A decently large black dagger was gripped in Australia's hands and blood dripped from the end of the blade.

Australia stared at me, shocked. Tears seemed to had formed and the stains still remained on his face. My eyes fell down and say Father's chest. It was gouged open. Blood poured down his stomach and onto the tan carpet.

Australia and I made eye contact before he shakily spoke.

"I-I thought you were gone."

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