Whiskey Night

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             France's POV (Present time)

I could feel the warm alcohol seep through the wash cloth as I rubbed the inside of the glass cup.

It was night. Perfect time for random people to come on in and get drunk as hell. I didn't mind much though, I myself had occasionally gotten rid of my sorrows here.

But it's too neon, if you ask me. Everything was vibrant and felt like a strip club.

There wasn't much to do as a bartender. Well, except give thousands of drinks each minute, but that was casual work.

If nights got really boring, I guess I could listen to drunk conversations. Which, by the way, could be the most hilarious things in the damn world.

A long siren caught me off guard and I stared out the glass doors.

It was a fire truck. Not surprising. There was always crime in this city.


"Fifty thousand!? Hell, I don't even earn that much a year." One country was talking to himself in a far off table near the corner, almost making me burst out laughing.

Suddenly, the front doors slammed open and the little bell above it almost flung off.

Most of the customers stared at the country with curiosity. Not me though. I knew that country and he was one of the heavy drinkers that came here.


Though it was still weird that he looked all sweaty and tired. Seemed like he ran a whole seven miles.

He plopped onto the red looking stool in front of the counter and I slipped over to his spot. He stared up at me and frowned. But I smiled anyway, customer satisfaction after all.

"The usual?" Once I said that his eyes began to light up again and he nodded. "Coming right up!"

USSR liked the mango flavor we had, so I poured a few drops in straight whiskey. I slid the glass cup over the hard, counter surface and he caught the glass with a quick grab.

Brown droplets of alcohol dripped down his mouth and fell off his chin. You weren't really ever supposed to drink whiskey that fast, but I suppose he must've had a rough night.

I was surprised to find, not even a moment later, that USSR had dropped the glass onto the counter. He stared down and looked dazed.

Tapping his shoulder, I looked worried down at him. "You okay, buddy?"

A small sniffle was all that would come out of him and I decided to leave him alone for a while.

Few countries came in to get a drink tonight and everyone that was in the bar looked strangely nervous.

Greece called for me and I went to her spot. She asked for a cup of Ouzo and I handed her a bottle. Smirking she took a swig. I was about to leave her be, but she took a strong hold onto my wrist.

I turned my head and raised a brow at her actions. "Do you need something else?"

"Uh," she hiccupped and continued speaking, "did you hear a-about the fire?"

Suspicious, I pulled away from her grip and sighed. "Are you sure it's just not the alcohol getting to your head, dear?"

She shot USSR a nervous glance and ran a sweat. "He- it was USSR's house."

My hands shook calmly, but my face lit up in shock. Even if there is a fire, it can't be his! Why would he be here at a bar. Unless, he doesn't know. But wasn't there a firetruck running past here a few minutes before he got inside?

I squeezed my palm against my forehead, frustrated that I couldn't figure this out. 

My eyes turned over to USSR. He was resting his head against the table and made no signs of moving.

I walked over to his spot, physically shaking from fear.

After another small tap to his shoulder, he shot his head up and looked terrified. I flinched and he noticed me. Once he saw my face, his body relaxed and he turned his head left and right, like he was trying to figure out where he was.

Finally he lifted his full body up and folded his hands together on the table.

He glared up at me, probably waiting for me to talk. I fumbled with my words slightly but managed to get out what I needed. "Do you know anything...about...y'know...your house?"

A cold look floated in his eyes and his mouth formed into a scowl. He had gotten up from the stool and was already beginning to leave.

I wanted to speak but the lump caught in my throat prevented me from talking.

USSR froze as he was almost outside and turned his head back to me. His mouth opened but nothing came out and after a while he finally looked into my eyes and glared.

"Don't ask questions that don't concern you."

I'm sorry it took me like 4 days to write this, I keep sleeping and I got schoolwork -_-       Also, you can imagine France as a girl or boy in this story, I'm keeping it as a girl but some people imagine her as a boy








And why the heck not...


Lies and Limes {Fanfic / AU / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now