Out in the Woods (part 1)

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               Russia's POV (Past time)

The car ride was cold and awkward. Britain was quiet the whole time and never looked at me through the rear view mirror.

It felt as if I was being scolded by Father all over again.

Actually, speaking of which, this was all Father's fault. At least that's what Britain said. I guess it  didn't matter to me though, if you were to tell me Father was the devil, I'd believe you.

Father always confused me though. He'd get angry and throw stuff, but then on other days he'd apologize and ask us if we wanted candy. I never knew what went through his mind, and most likely, didn't want to.

I shuffled a bit in the car seat and stared out the window. A few minutes must've passed since instead of buildings and houses, the outside was now just a bunch of trees.

Britain slowed the car and I looked up curiously at him. He turned his head to face mine and glared at me. "Put on your seat belt, the roads here start to get chaotic." After that, he smiled and continued, "wouldn't want you to die or something."

I looked up to the seatbelt beside my head and reached my arm out to pull it down. It clicked into place and Britain went back to driving.

There weren't many bumps on the roads so I decided to lie my head on the window and try to sleep.

Big mistake.

The car began to shake violently and, before I could react, my head went sideways and bumped back onto the hard window. Quickly, I bounced away from the window and the seatbelt almost tightened against my stomach.

Britian stopped the car again and didn't even turn back to me this time. "I wasn't lying, was I now."

I went silent for a second and Britain continued to drive forward on the shaky road.


Britain was holding onto my wrist and was leading me to a big building. It was made of steel and looked pretty nice, especially since it was in the middle of the woods.

We came up to big iron doors with a switch looking keypad on the side. Britian used his other free hand to type in a couple of random numbers.

I was surprised to see the doors lift up and leave a space for us to walk straight in. Advanced technology was definitely being used here.

I expected there to be even more metal walls and more modern technology inside. But there wasn't.

We both stood in the middle of a lobby looking room. The walls were a light tan and chairs lined the sides of the place. Even healthy plants and a check-in area were in the room. Oh, and there was a sweet smell of caramel, too.

Britain looked down at me and rolled his eyes at my expression of awe. "What did you think was going to be inside? Some big scary monster and a science lab?"

Britain stopped himself and thought for a moment, "actually that last part is true."

He let go of my hand and pointed to the far end of the room towards a comfy looking chair. "Go sit and wait while I go do something, it won't be long."

Even though Britian sent me to the other side of the room, I could still hear him clearly. He pulled up to the counter and knocked on the wooden surface. A pretty blue and white country came out of the room behind.

She smiled at Britain and waved. "What brings you here today, especially this early?" Britain pointed backwards towards me and the country sighed. "Isn't he too young for this...?"

Lies and Limes {Fanfic / AU / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now