Moving in

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            Russia's POV (Present time)

America pecked at my cheek. My eyes widened and I swatted my head to the side, trying not to make eye contact. America must've not been looking for it anyway since he yawned and rested his head against my chest. His eyes closed and he held a soft smile.

I frowned. I always tried to convince myself America was rotten and deserved to burn in hell. But clearly my head was trying to go in a different direction. I wouldn't let it.

America was a filthy animal and I wouldn't let my dick get the better of me.


I extended my arms and America rolled onto his bed. I sighed quickly.

Before I could leave though, a notification buzz came from the top of America's night stand. I strode over and looked down. I couldn't touch his phone or my hand would just slide through it but the words were still on the screen. I read them aloud to myself. "Hey Ame, I'm here."

Even the frown on my face couldn't hide my surprise. Who's here? I thought for a second, trying to remember who would go here at a time like this. Well, America did go somewhere this morning...

I had to find out for myself. So I rushed through all the walls of the upstairs and made it outside. I lowered myself in the dark night. No car was in the street but I noticed one in the driveway.

I was soon floating inches above the grass and went over to the car. It was a red Camaro and it seemed to still be on.

I got closer to the windows and noticed countries were in the seats. I peered my eyes to get a better look. In the front seat seemed to be a red and white country with a leaf planted in the middle of his face. In the back seat held two small countries who almost looked the exact same.

The country in the front seat was on his phone. He was probably the one who had texted America.

One of the two in the back looked to be asleep. The other was leaning against the car door, his eyes were open slightly. Only to be closed immediately like a light switch.

I thought about what to do and just decided to wake up America. It's not my problem after all. Not like I can do anything either.


America was ripping off his shirt and grabbing hold of his new one. He threw his old shirt across the room and sloppily pulled down his new shirt above his head.

I stared at him, my body leaned against one of his drawers and I waited patiently. He kept repeating "shit."

He looked sadly down as he paced around the room. "It's so late and-." America thought for a moment and smirked. "At least I got Japan hidden."

I crossed my arms and spoke up from America's unending rants. "You better hurry out there, not sure how long it'll be until they leave." America stared out from across the room and kept his smirk. "Yes, I probably should."

America almost flew across the room as he threw open the door and slammed it shut behind him. I glared at the closed door. How hyper is this psycho.

I heard a loud thump and smacked myself in the face, "he better of not fell down."

Of course he did. He sat on the last step and looked up at me with a pouting face, he whimpered loudly towards me from the first step. "I uh...fell."

I crossed my arms again and scowled down at him. "Well get up and deal with it." He glared at me and picked himself up.

I floated quickly down the stairs and met up with America at the door. He grabbed his keys from the dirty couch and unlocked all his padlocks. Then once that was done he peeped through the cracks of the door. "Yep that's Canada's car."

He flung open the door slowly and walked normally down the cement stairway.

I stayed a distance away from the car, I didn't like the vibe coming from it. I didnt want America to go over there either but I tried to get rid of that thought as soon as it came in my mind. He can do whatever the hell he wants, it's not like I give a damn about him.

The car door slid open weirdly steady. The country from the front seat clambered out and America backed up.

The country looked tired and had bags under his eyes the size of baseballs. His movements were shaking and, looking closer, I saw the half hearted worried look on America's face.

America and the other country chatted for a bit before America opened the back door. He reached his arms inside and pulled out one of the small countries. The other country did the same and pulled out the other small country.

America held the country like a baby and looked genuinely happy to hold it. He walked past me and motioned for me to meet me up in his room later. I nodded but only because I wanted to know what was going on.


"So, they're all living with you now?" America nodded and spoke again. "It's not like they had another place to go." America paused and smiled menacingly at me. "Don't worry though, we can still have sex while they're gone."

My eyes widened and I glared daggers at him. "Like I'd have sex with some psychotic dumb ass like you."

America showed sadness in his eyes but grinned again. "You never know." He blew me a kiss and grabbed my wrist. I didn't pull away though, "where are you even taking me?" America didn't answer and moved out towards the hallway.

We were going to the guest room.

America creaked open the door and I stood still. America's face brightened up and he opened his arms in a hug. I observed closer and noticed one of the small countries running over towards America. They both met and hugged together tightly.

"How's my little spider Man doing?" America whispered.

The country started to sniffle and replied, "I missed you Ame!" America quickly answered. "I missed you too Aussie."

America turned to me, smiling and blushing.

The small country noticed America looking towards me. America must've realized too and looked back down at the country. America let off a nervous face but smiled at the country. "Don't stay up too late."

America bent back up and closed the door. Only to open it a crack and call back to the country. "Goodnight!"

Sorry for all the time jumps, I didn't want to make it too boring for you guys.

Vote! 👌





Lies and Limes {Fanfic / AU / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now