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America sat his freezing hands against the warm roof. His eyes blinked at the sunrise. "Isn't it beautiful."

Russia, criss-crossed, was right next to America. He hadn't spoken the whole time and kept an emotionless expression. Even his ushanka gave a little darkness to his eyes.

A cold feelings tingled up America's back. He hadn't looked at Russia. He'd just kept his eyes fixated on the sun's beauty. "You think this'll be the last one I ever see?"

Russia sighed and turned his head towards America. "You mean before you go to hell?"

America giggled and stared sadly at the passing clouds. "We both know there's worse things than death."

Russia glared down in his hands. "You know, you don't have to do this." America shook his head, annoyed. He outstretched his arm and pretended to hold the sun with his palm. "There's never a better ending than this."

A silent Russia watched as America imagined to close his hand on the whole sun. "Besides, I won't last long. The side effects from the injection of my blood into your body are coming back to haunt me."

America placed his arm back down, and grinned to himself as he set his hand onto Russia's.

Blue started to shine out from the sun's orange glare and clouds began to turn a pale white.

America released his hand from Russia's and stood up. His toes were on the edge of the tall, brick building. He rubbed his fingers against his eyes in frustration. "God, Canada's going to be a mess. I just hope Aussie won't be too shaken up."

America turned his head back to Russia and gave a last smile. "Take care of them for me while I'm gone, will ya?"

When Russia didn't respond, America took that as his cue to leave.

America let the wind brush against his face and gave his last words to Russia. "Oh, and by the way, there's always room for two if you're feeling lonely..."

Russia shut his eyes for a few minutes and soon heard his own ears start to ring.

"Always room for two, huh? Damn, America. You are one sly son of a bi-"

What a cliffhanger ಠ︵ಠ

Lies and Limes {Fanfic / AU / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now