Basement spy

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            Russia's POV (Present time)

"Aw! You're so cute Germany." Germany blushed at Poland's lame comment and turned away with blush still in splotches on his face. I sighed. This was so boring. Do something already! Have an argument or something.

I sat criss-crossed on the cement ground and stared up at the couple's table. I didn't want to waste my leg energy on watching their boring conversation.

I sighed and decided it was time to head back to the hell hole.


Sweeping through the closed door, I noticed how unclean the place really was. Mold and stains spotted the carpet and wood, the table in the kitchen had only three legs, knife stabs were dotted in almost everything, and soup bowls piled in the sink.

America really was bad at everything.

I moved my head towards the stairs and thought he'd probably be sleeping up in his bed.

I felt a little lazy today though, so I floated upwards and through the floor. Even if I was a ghost, the smell of death hit me fast. I cringed at the horrid stench and went on my way towards his bedroom.

The hallways in this house always freaked me out. So dark and long, it always feels like I'm floating endlessly towards a room. I hated the feeling. Probably why I never came here often.

But soon after I made it to his bedroom, the door was wide open. I found it strange since he likes to keep his door closed. But maybe he was just working on something. I peered in, expecting an America to smirk at me, but I was wrong. Nobody was in the room.

Shock filled me like a balloon and I whirled my head around quickly, trying to look for him. Nowhere. Not even in the god damn closet.


A voice hit me quickly and I realized it was coming down from the basement. Shit, he didn't get another one did he?

I wasted no time floating downwards and all the way in the basement.

Soon, I was in the second room of the basement. Where America kept all of I knew this wasn't the place though, even America said he felt frightened in this place. So cold and dark, and-

"Come on Japan, make a cute face!"

My eyes grew wide. The other room! I rushed over towards the lightened part of the basement. I froze and thought for a second. It was stupid to run into that room like that. I'll just sneak I guess.

After quietly wisping past stacks of tools and other things, I'd made it to the opening to the other room. No doors connected the two rooms for some reason but I didn't complain. I steadily moved forward and paused when I was in a place I could view what was happening.

America caressed another country's face and swept his finger over the country's lip.

I almost puked right then and there. Ugh, America you really are fucking creepy.

After a while of caressing the country's face, I finally learned his name when America decided to whisper into his ear. "It's ok Japan, I promise I won't hurt you." I rolled my eyes, knowing that was definitely a lie.

America stopped his actions, stood up, and turned around towards a rolling table. It was metal and had small little tools placed almost perfectly on its shiny surface. Like a surgeon table or something.

America picked up something delicately. Looking closer, I noticed it was a scalpel. I was curious now. What the hell are you doing Ame...

America smiled his disgusting big smile and sudden lust filled his eyes as he walked almost gracefully towards Japan. He sat on Japan's lap and played with the scalpel using his fingers.

"Japan, baby?" America started to speak again and Japan's eyes grew wide with horror. "How many knives does it take for one to bleed out?" Japan froze with, what seemed like, complete fear. But America kept his smirk and answered for the tied up country.


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