Frightened and Confused

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           Australia's POV (Present time)

Kiwi poured the box of lucky charms into his bowl that was already filled with milk. I frowned at him. Who put cereal in last? He didn't seem bothered though and patted down the cereal with his spoon.

I wasn't hungry today so I hadn't gotten anything out. Plus, I was worried where Canada was. Ever since him and Father had an argument in the living room this morning, he hasn't come back. I'm sure he just went to vent though. He wouldn't leave us.

I heard a noise and I quickly shot my head up from my feet. But the excitement I felt was short lived. It was only Father.

He sat across the table from me and Kiwi. I noticed Kiwi shuffle in his seat and start to eat slower. I would too. Father always gave off a creepy vibe. I didn't like him.

Father folded his hands together and looked up at us sternly. I tried to keep calm but he was just too weird and made me start to shiver.

I wanted to make conversation to distract him from staring silently at both of us. "Father- I mean Sir?" Father glared at me and folded his lower lip like a dog. "What do you want brat." More a demand than a question.

My hands shook and my gaze fell back down, "where's Canada?"

I was surprised to hear a chuckle over from Father. I stared at him in confusion. He seemed to notice since he answered swiftly, a smirk still planted on his face.


Kiwi dropped his spoon in his bowl of cereal. His eyes grew and his pupils bounced around like flies. I, myself, was also terrified. No, I thought. He wouldn't leave us. H-he always said he'd stay with us.

Questions hammered against my head and I caught something in the corner of my eye. Little droplets of milk splashed out of Kiwi's bowl. At first I didn't know why milk was splashing out, but then I looked up at Kiwi's eyes.

Tears fell down his face and slammed against the skin of the milk, making it constantly splash out of the bowl and land onto the table.

I don't really know what it was. But something inside me snapped; the look in Kiwi's eyes, the way his hands shook, his rapid and rough breathing. But most of all, Father's disgusting grin.


Canada stared back at me straight in the eyes. I felt scared. I'd never seen him so worried, and I already didn't like it.

The warmth from the blood hadn't eased me either. Canada also hadn't calmed down. Looking closer, I could see his hands clench up and shake. I didn't like to see him like that, I didn't want to make anyone scared.

I killed Father. The realization hit me back when I was crying over his dead corpse a few minutes ago. It isn't my fault, right?

Father said Canada had left for good! I knew Father made him leave, so I took matters into my own hands. Literally.

I began to shake myself. I didn't know what to do in this situation. Should I know?

My eyes grew as I noticed Canada moving towards me. Once he got close enough, he scooped me up and rested my head against his back as he carried me. He didn't talk. I could only hear his low breathing.

I stared at the ground and realized we were moving towards the bathroom. That's where I hid Kiwi. I didn't want him to see what I would do to Father.

Canada probably knew I hid him in there. Especially since you could hear Kiwi talking happily to one of his stuffed animals I left him to play with.

Canada lifted me up once again and set me down on my feet. He gripped my hand tightly and didn't look back down at me. I felt anxious. I still had blood on my hands and I didn't want Kiwi to notice.

Canada turned the knob to the bathroom door and pushed it open cautiously. Kiwi turned his head and smiled at Canada and I. I couldn't see Canada's face but I hoped it was reassuring for Kiwi.

It must've been, since Kiwi jumped up with a happy gasp. I noticed the purple bear he was holding. Canada held out a hand for Kiwi and Kiwi quickly held it. He was still smiling and looked at me. I smiled back, praying he wouldn't look down at my arms.

Fortunately, he didn't and Canada switched places with me and Kiwi. Kiwi was now on the side where he wouldn't witness Father's body. Canada probably didn't want him to see Father's bloodied body.


"What even happened to your hands Aussie?" Kiwi glanced at the blood on my arms and back up at me. I grinned nervously, "got in a fight with the red food dye back at home."

Kiwi seemed a little suspicious but accepted the answer I gave him. He leaned his head onto my shoulder blade and closed his eyes.

I wanted to fall asleep too, but a ringing in my head kept me awake through almost the whole ride.

I still didn't know where we were going but I felt too scared to ask Canada.


I hadn't even realized I'd fallen asleep. I blinked open my eyes to a dark room. I was positioned on a bed, a nightstand was beside it with a lamp still turned on.

Turning my head, I saw Kiwi curled up beside me. I felt a little bit more comfortable and relaxed.

Unexpectedly, the door to the room creaked open. America poked his head through the door and his smile gleamed.

I jumped out of the bed excitedly and rushed over to America. He had opened the door fully now and towered above me. As soon as I came running to him, he bent his knees to reach my height and I gave him an affectionate hug.

"How's my little Spider-man doing?" America asked softly as we were hugging. I almost teared up and gripped the back of his shirt tighter. "I missed you Ame!" America rubbed my back and whispered again. "I missed you too, Aussie."

I raised up my head to America's and stared at him, shocked. He had turned his head sideways and smiled at nothing. He blushed too, like a person was talking sweet to him.

He must've noticed I was staring at him though, since he lowered his head back down to mine. He looked joyfully into my eyes, "don't stay up too late now."

He released me and backed up. Before he left he waved at me and spoke again. "Goodnight!"

The door slammed and I was left standing in the dark. Thousands, if not millions, of questions popped up in my head now. Where was I, does anyone know about Father yet, where's Canada?

But I had one main question; what was America smiling at...or who?







Lies and Limes {Fanfic / AU / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now