Close call

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               America's POV (Past time)

I bit my tongue and glared at the country. His hands moved around my thigh as he kissed my neck.

I knew class would be over any second so I tried to keep my voice down as low as possible. But I didn't think my attempts would last long. Especially if the country was going to do more than kiss me.

Which was exactly what he tried.

His arm clutched tight onto my leg and he pushed me harder against the wall so I wouldn't fall. Confused at first, I watched as his other hand shot down under my shirt.

I don't even want to describe how that felt, but mostly good.

Turning my head sideways, I clenched my teeth so no moans could echo out. The country had probably found that annoying since he went back to kissing me at the same time.

It was a great feeling but I wanted to kill him, not have sex with him.

I noticed both my arms were free, probably since he was busy with his two other hands. But it didn't really matter that my arms were open since he was holding me down like goddamn nails against a chalkboard.

An idea popped into my head, and I didn't waste time taking it into action either.

I balled my palm up into a fist and punched as hard as I could into the country's face. I was turned on at the moment so the punch wasn't all that hard, but it was enough to make him drop me on my ass!

I let out an, "oomph," as my butt hit the ground and felt like it'd broken in ten different places. I stared up and saw the country holding down a bloody nose.

He was a fucking ghost so I shouldn't waste much time with what I've got. And I didn't. I pulled some pants from the cement not too far away and sloppily stretched them onto my legs.

I was all hot and sweaty by the time I was out of the locker room.

My hand rested against the wall and I gasped excessively. I flinched as footsteps came running toward me.

I would've pulled up fists but the running came from in front of the locker room, so it couldn't have been the country. Wait, did that country even have footsteps?"

"America!" My breathing lowered and I held my breath.

Mexico came crashing toward me with full speed and gave me a big hug. I didn't hug back. I forgot one minor detail that'll definitely get me caught.

Gym class is over.

Mexico was shorter than me but towered in dominance. He stared up at me and looked worried. "You okay America? I hope I didn't make you frightened. I just saw you over here and you looked so sweaty and tired!"

I gained back my composure and let myself breathe.

I smirked and bent down to kiss Mexico's head. He accepted and blushed thoughtfully. I stared down at him with lovable eyes and spoke softly, "don't worry babe. Just didn't get enough sleep is all."

Mexico was skeptical but started to walk towards the locker room after I finished. I mentally panicked and saw more countries beginning to try and enter.

I know it was a stupid idea but I extended my arms in front of the door and blocked Mexico, or anyone, from entering. Mexico seemed surprised, "why are you blocking the exit Ame?"

"I-I...uh." Mexico looked a little annoyed but he probably would've been more if we weren't dating.

His hand rested calmly on the side of my chest and pushed me away with ease. My whole world crumbled before my eyes. I had the chance and now, from a slight shove away from the door, everyone was going to see China's dead body.

It was kinda amusing though. Yes, I was on the verge of being in an electric chair any moment, but it was interesting to see my failures at times.

A small chuckle flowed out through my clenched teeth. It would soon be over and I'd soon be behind bars. Well, let's look at the bright side, at least I'd have a few good stories to tell.

A waited a minute, expecting a scream or a gasp. But there was none of that. The only sound I heard were the voices of other countries through the door.

My curiosity had gotten the best of me and I slid the door open.

Every country looked normal in their usual spot. No blood stains flooded the middle of the room and I moved my body sideways to see the other half of the room. No blood there either.

I walked by countries changing and others talking, and I soon spotted China's clothes. His body was gone but not his clothes?

A hand patted my shoulder and I turned around to see Mexico. His face was relaxed and questioning. "Are you sure you're okay America? You seemed odd out there."

Smiling, I bended to pick up China's clothes. "Of course I am. I mean, why wouldn't I be?"

Mexico shook his head, "I don't know." He stared down at the clothes in my hands and looked back up at me. "Whose clothes?"

"Oh these...? Just a friend's."

I don't have much to say so...





Japan     (yeah he's not dead yet lol)


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