Out in the Woods (part 2)

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                Russia's POV (Past time)

The country began to walk forward and held something green in his hands. He bit down on each of them as he walked and didn't even notice me until he bumped straight into my chest.

I bit my tongue and he backed up in surprise. His eyes were huge as he stared up at me in shock.

I was surprised myself honestly. I've never seen a young country around my age in a while, especially one so innocent looking. He had red and white stripes with a blue box on the edge of his head, full of stars.

A sparkle in his eyes caught my interest and he started to speak. "Wow...who are you Mr. Tall Stranger?"

I was about to chuckle at his question before he chomped onto the food in his hand again. I pointed to the mysterious green looking treat. "What's that?"

The country tilted his head for a moment then realized I was talking about the thing in his palm. He frowned down at the treat and then smiled back up at me. "Oh this? It's just a lime. Mother said it's sour so I thought sugar would make it sweet and tasty."

The country stopped talking and looked around the room. His eyes fell upon the cold lunch on the counter next to the bed and his eyes saddened.

After a second, the country was looking bright and dandy again. "I see you haven't eaten, want one of my limes?"

I glared down at the fruit. It didn't look bad but I kept my suspicions and shook my head. "No thanks..."

The country lifted his elbows and shrugged his shoulders. "Eh, your loss." He bended down and placed the limes gently onto the untouched ground. "Anyway," he said as he swiftly latched onto my wrist.

I was about to pull away, but I hadn't felt someone's touch in a long time, so I accepted. He pulled me all the way to the other side of the room and sat me down on a fluffy carpet.

There was a minute of awkward silence from me, before the country went uncomfortably close to my face and stared me in the eyes. "So Mr. Tall Stranger, you still haven't told me your name yet."

I gulped down the lump in my throat and whispered so I didn't spit in his face. "R-russia."

"Russia huh, what a weird name..."

The country backed up and sat criss-crossed on the ground while he contemplated. "Well, Russia, my name is America. But you can just call me your best friend!"

I raised a brow at his strange remark. Best friend, but didn't we just meet?


America snapped at me and I stopped questioning his remark. "Uh, yeah?" I asked America and he looked calm again.

"How'd you get here Russia? I mean, you're lucky I even found you here all alone and cold."

I rolled my eyes at his large, dramatic ego and sighed. "Long story." I thought about maybe telling him how I got here, but I didn't even know him.

"Hm, well I'll tell you my story first then." America stared at the ground as he spoke and his voice almost shot down to a whisper, as if he was scared some one would hear him.

"Ok...um, so, I was at home and Mother called me over to the bathroom. She said some stuff I didn't understand but all I knew was that she wanted to stick a needle looking thing into my arm. I let her, and let me tell you, that thing hurt! Anyway, she put it in a weird plastic cup and we got in the car a few days later."

"You then drove here?" I asked and America nodded. "Mother told me not to get out of the car, but I did. Once I got inside this weird place, that blue country smiled at me and let me roam around."

Greece, I thought. Did she think America was supposed to be here or what?

America grinned and I crossed my arms. "What made you go in here?"

"Oh, well, it just seemed inviting you know."

America fumbled with his own hands and I could tell he was nervous. I felt a little bad for the country and uncrossed my arms. America seemed to calm down quickly afterwards and it was silent again.

I could see America open his mouth to talk but a loud yell sounded from outside the room.

"America! Dearest, where are you?"

It was a female voice and America instantly stood up on his legs at the call. He moved his legs forward in a run and shot past the door. I heard him yell back at me though, "Bye, best friend Russia!"

I chuckled at the name but realization hit me. Wait, would America come back? Who called him? Why am I so worried about him!?

Laying my palm on my chest, I breathed in and out slowly. I tried to reassure myself that America would be fine. It's not like I could check on him either, if I ever left the room Greece would pull me back in and lock the door.

I knew Greece felt bad for me though, I could see it in her face every time she closed the door on me.


"Russia! Russia wake up!"

My eyes snapped open and I stared wide eyed at America. He scared me and I flinched backwards and out of my blankets.

After a few seconds though, I calmed down. I was a little angry at him for waking me up.

Wait, he's here again?

I stared at him with my eyebrow up in suspicion. He was kneeling on my bed not too far away and smiling like he'd just gotten candy or something. "I'm glad you're up, Russia. You really are a deep sleeper y'know. I even considered punching you awake."

Frowning, I answered back. "Fortunately you didn't."

America grinned a toothy smirk and his eyes sparkled. His hand reached deep into his pants and he pulled out three candies wrapped in green paper. America seemed weirdly excited as he passed the candy over to me.

I held out my hand and let him drop the candy in my palm. I must've looked confused since America spoke up through the silence. "They're caramels! Mother told me that Russians liked it."

Once I heard America speak the candy's sweet name; caramel, I brightened up. Everytime Father gave us candy, it would be caramel. Ukraine didn't like caramel but I cherished the candy.

My hands were speedy as I unwrapped the caramel. Without thinking twice, I popped the salty candy into my mouth. The caramel was soft and I could feel water dripping from my mouth just from the taste.

Once I'd finished the candy, I started to shove the other two into my mouth again.

I was embarrassed as I wiped the drool from my mouth. But America didn't seem to mind and he even seemed more joyous.

Nervously, I opened my mouth to speak. "Uh, thanks for the candy, I guess-"

Arms wrapped around me like a snake and I grunted in surprise. America was hugging me and he seemed to be quiet. "A-america?" The atmosphere was calm and America hadn't spoke yet, so I was beginning to get a little worried.

"I'm glad you like them..."

America whispered softly and I was relieved. I patted his back with my free hands and hugged back. "Yeah, me too."

Remember when I said I would update quickly, yeah well, IM AN IDIOT! I never have time to do these, and I only manage to get them done in like a whole week. But the chapters are very therapeutic and I really love writing. So I'm sorry once again for updating slowly.

Also this isn't the end, kinda looks like it though 😅

Anyway, have a great day / night!

Lies and Limes {Fanfic / AU / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now