Out in the Woods (part 3)

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            America's POV ( Past time )

I sat on the soft rug in front of the couch. Russia was also sitting on the rug but he had a sinister look on his face.

Before Mother brought me to this weird building again, I thought I'd bring some cards. I didn't know Russia was so good at it though. Actually, If I'm being honest, I didn't really know how to play.

"Do you have. . . a six?" I stared down at my cards that vibrated in my shaky hands. "Uh, y-yeah." I answered back and handed him the six of hearts. He snatched the card quickly and slapped down next to his own six card. "Yes! I win."

I leaned down and twirled the fluff of the carpet with my finger, "yeah, whatever."

Russia looked at me and grinned. "Ah. Don't be such a sore loser America. We both know I'll always win."

Before Russia could speak again, I playfully shoved him on his back. He chuckled and I felt myself laugh at his position too.

Russia picked himself back up and laughed. "Well I guess we know who'll win in a pouting contest." I blushed in embarrassment and smiled with him, "I guess so."

It was quiet while Russia messed around with the cards and shuffled them into a neat pile. I didn't choose to speak because I knew I would get embarrassed or frustrated. Russia always knew how to make me feel all tingly and make my heart throb. I didn't know what it was. Love? No, that would be too weird...

Reaching a hand out, Russia tried to pass me a pile of cards. "Wanna play again?-"

The door to the room slammed open and my eyes widened at the country standing before both of us.


He had a nasty look on his face, and his fists looked red. I realized why quickly. Blood dripped down his knuckles and onto the white carpet.

It didn't look like someone else's blood, more like his own, since he had deep gashes on his fingers.

Glancing back at Russia, I could see his nervous face. Honestly, I felt the same. Father wasn't one to mess with, and was even worse when he was angry.

Father scowled at Russia and had wild eyes as he noticed me. "...America? What the hell are you doing here?"

My mouth went dry and my heart caught in my throat. I didn't say a thing and it clearly made Father angry. He stomped over to me and grabbed the neck of my shirt. As he latched onto my shirt, he pulled me into the air close to his face. "Answer the god damned question, brat!"

I could tell him the truth, but I knew what he'd do. He'd hurt Mother. So I kept quiet, if anyone was to be punished I didn't want it to be Mother. It would be better if it were me instead.

I shot my eyes closed and clenched me teeth. I was ready for Father's fast punch to blow in my face. But it didn't happen. Instead, I could feel him release me and drop me onto the ground.

I would've crippled onto the floor if it weren't for Russia, who was ready to hold me up once I'd fallen. His hands grabbed onto my underarms and I looked back at him in surprise. "T-thanks."

But I didn't have much time to talk because Father was mumbling under his breath and looking furious. Suddenly, Father looked back at me and caught me staring at him.

Weirdly enough, he gave me a creepy grin and spoke louder. "It was fucking France wasn't it." My blood went cold and I felt paralyzed in Russia's arms. Father's grin turned into a frown of rage. "I'll do so much worse than make her sleep outside of her bedroom."

And with that, Father started out of the room, his footsteps echoing.

I knew I couldn't stay in here. I needed to save Mother. Even with no plan in my mind, I couldn't just let Father hit Mother. Or worse...

I rushed out from Russia's helpful grip, but I'd only gotten to the doorway before a hand grasped at my wrist. I turned my head to see Russia.

He looked terrified, "don't go America. Your father...he might do much worse to you than your mother if you try anything. Please just don't!" Russia's voice was desperate and I even consider for a second to listen to him.

But I knew I wouldn't.

I jerked my hand from Russia's. He seemed genuinely disappointed and surprised but I didn't let that stop me. "I'm sorry Russia, but I won't let my father hurt my mother over my dead body, not because of me!"

A prickling feeling washed over my back, as if I could feel Russia's stare against my back as I ran out of the room.

Soon enough, I found father and mother.

Mother always sat in the lobby when we were here. She said that Father told her to stay there for "safety" or something. Although Mother wasn't one to disobey, she would occasionally stand up to Father if she'd get the chance.

My lungs burned and I breathed out like I had no time left. I could see Father at the far end of the lobby looking room. Mother was backed up against a wall and Father was standing in front of her.

I couldn't see his face but I could guess it didn't look too happy.

Even though I was tired, I didn't hesitate to dash up to where Father was backing Mother up against the wall.

I'd hoped to get to Father before he could do anything to Mother, but my lack of endurance caused Mother to get slapped straight across the face by Father. It must've been painful since it echoed throughout the room.

From the look of it, tears started to build up in Mother's fearful eyes.

Finally I'd gotten to Father. I knew there wasn't much time left before he would do worse so I leaned down and pulled back onto his leg.

His balance was interrupted and he almost fell back onto me as he fell. But I'd luckily gotten out of the way before he could drop into me.

Mother noticed me and tears bursted out of her like a popped balloon. "Darling, I'm so sorry! Please forgive your Mère (mother)."

I myself felt like crying but I held them in and gave Mother a tight hug. "Do not cry Mother, it's not your fault. Father is only angry is all."

From the corner of my eye I caught Greece. She watched from behind a counter and stared ominously at me and my mother. I never Greece very well, but she was nice enough to not tell on me to Father.

Mother grabbed me under my arms and held me. She was a little wobbly because of her strength but she continued to walk towards the large exit door.

The door looked confusing to me but Mother, with her free hand, typed into a keypad on the side

Hey, um...I'm late again. But we aren't surprised are we now. I'll be posting twice today because I love you guys! Also don't kill me, haha

Anyway, have a great day/night! ♥️

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