Hospital tears

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               Canada's POV (Past time)

I smiled to myself. The flower behind my back wished around and tickled my hands. They were a beautiful, vibrant blue.

Ukraine would like them. He liked blue and flowers, so naturally I decided I should give him flowers. At least, while he's still alive.

I know Ukraine. He would survive, or at least die trying.

The white, hospital door creaked open and a doctor came out. He wore a pale white coat with a black shirt underneath and a gray tie. A little fancy for a doctor if you ask me, but I kept the smile on my face.

He noticed me and turned a look. "You're permitted to go in, but be sure to arrive a little earlier for visiting hours next time." I searched his coat and found his name pin. "Thanks...Germany."

With a nod he was off, and so was I. Opening the door, I could see Ukraine slumped uncomfortablly on the hospital bed. I coughed to get him to realize I was in the room. He looked over at me with wide eyes that made butterflies dance in my stomach, he was just so adorable.

"'Nada?" He grinned.

"Your prince is here." We both snickered at that and I walked slowly over to him. Even though his spirits seemed high I could tell something was on his mind.

So I shuffled around with the flowers and gently pulled them in front of my chest for Ukraine to view. I didn't know what I expected but I was surprised by Ukraine's reaction.

Tears flowed down his face in thick, wet blobs. Before I could even react he was already sniffling and covering his eyes with his hands.

I swiftly ran over to Ukraine's side, dropped the flowers on the bed, and hugged him tightly.

After a minute of hearing him sniffling and sobbing I could feel his hands wrap around my back. I rubbed my palm against the back of his head to comfort him. Whatever the reason was, I knew why he was crying.

Ever since I knew Ukraine, he always had a physical injury in his head. The doctors said he had amnesia and his father, USSR, said Ukraine had hit his head on rocks while swimming in the lake.

It wasn't fatal or anything but the more I grew up with Ukraine, I started to notice the more depressed he'd turn.

Amnesia, a injury to head, and depression was killing him slowly. And the worst part was that I couldn't even do anything. Everyday I'd try and hang out with him, give him gifts, tell him that everything was going to be fine but nothing worked.

I think he felt as if he wouldn't ever heal, and I wouldn't accept it.

My face felt warm and my eyes burned like they were forever endlessly on fire. The tears came with the pain and so did the sadness. I shoved Ukraine closer into my chest. I didn't want to lose him, no, I couldn't lose him.

It was still in the room. The only thing that moved in the room were the flowers, they wipped around softly and glimmered wet in the sunlight.

I pushed myself away from Ukraine's grip. His head was drooping down and my heart almost split in half just looking at his poor state. Leaning in, I kissed him passionately on his small lips. I don't know how long we had kissed but it felt like forever, and I liked that.

I stopped the kiss. Ukraine noticed and opened his eyes carefully. Tears were still built up in my eyes as I whispered to him, "I love you. . ."

Ukraine smiled as I cried quietly. His hands moved up and rested against my cheeks. My tears fell down onto his hands but he just kept his cute smile.

"We both know how this will end, 'Nada."

I'm not crying, you're crying! 🥺
Hope you enjoyed this sad chapter, it was a little hard to write but I think it turned out pretty good.

Anyway, have a great day/night! ♥️

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