Ch. 2

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I'm racing to the school with a huge ass hybrid chasing me. "STOP CHASING ME YOU OVERSIZED DOG CAT!" I yell behind me.

His eyes narrow and he picks up speed. Then all of a sudden he stops. I slow down before a wave of what smells like Musk, Mint, and cocoa hits me. My wolf is intrigued with the smell and I turn around to see him slowly stalking towards me. I gulp and start back running except it's more difficult because my wolf wants to follow the new scent.

He's catching up and then it's like a light switch flips inside him and he's growls and turns around running back into the forest. Remind me to never help that boy again.

I sniff the air to smell his scent still lingering so I sniff around and find out he placed his scent on me. That fucking rat turd. I sniff my shirt and his scent is covered over me.

I growl lowly because now I'll be paranoid he's right beside me the whole day. Or I could borrow one of the boys shirts. They usually have a whole wardrobe in their locker.

But knowing them I would have to owe them. I could skip school but then my mom would be up my ass. I reach the school and take a deep breath and walk in with a brave face.

The hallways are crowded meaning lunch time is over. As soon as I walk in everyone looks at me. Probably expecting me to be Aiden instead. "Why does she smell like Prince Aiden?

"I bet she banged him like the hoe she is even though he's not her mate." A female says.

Aiden. I swear to the goddess I'm going to murder you.

Why would his hybrid even do that. I mean he doesn't like me either.  Why would he want me smelling like him. Oh I know why...

He's a idiot.

I walk to my locker and when I walk by I notice people stare at me in disgust. Thinking I would actually go through that pain and lose my virginity to the person I hate most. I'm not that kinda person.

Then suddenly I hear a loud hiss beside me. I turn around to see Haley and I turn back towards my locker. I really don't have time for her jealousy issues.

"Hey bitch look at me when I talk to you." She hisses with a scowl.

"Ok what's up kitty cat?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"You smell like my mate. You're such a whore. How dare you?! Disrespecting your Queen is against the law so I will make sure my future father and law aka the king hears about this." She says and then does this smirk like she won something.

I wonder if she knows I stopped listening after I asked my question.

I roll my eyes and before I turn back to my locker a loud smack is heard through the hallways and I have a burning cheek.

Let. Me. Have. Control. Jasiri growls.

And let you ruin our secret no. I growl back pushing her to the deepest part of my mind.

Shwari. Shwari. Shwari Danielle.

I growl and I notice my body is shaking and she's not helping by smiling like a caked up idiot.

I turn around and look at her. "Ok. So first of all that was the weakest hit I ever felt. So my future queen you may want to take fighting advice from your big strong mate.just a word of advice because even a baby wouldn't cry at that." I say with a bored look hiding my anger. It really didn't hurt it just stung and after that was over it didn't feel like anything.

Her smile changes into a frown and everyone now is staring at us. She reaches back to slap me again and as soon as I'm about to rock her shit a tan hand stops her hand grabbing it while it's inches away from my face. And a tall person is standing in front of me with sweaty curly hair.

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