Ch. 20

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Danielle's POV
We all rushed to the pack hospital and now the whole family is in the waiting room.

I can't lose him again. I just got him back. Everything was perfectly fine.

"Aiden Talion?" A female doctor calls out. We all stand up and the doctor looks overwhelmed before quickly looking back at the clipboard.

"We only request for the royal family." She says again softly.

We all look again with anxious eyes. Anxiously waiting on news. "Ma'am we are all his family. We are all apart of the royal family even though some of us hate to admit it." Gabby say directing her eyes towards Damien.

Damien sighs deeply into his hands and looks at Gabby with a 'seriously' look.

"Ok well prince Aiden isn't doing too well the stitches on his back was torn and he lost a lot of blood. But he is in a induced coma and should wake up in a short amount of days. The longest this coma should last is two weeks. But since this is his body's way of him healing he should be more than healthy when he wake up. But we don't know if he will wake up with his human side in control." She explains.

"But I must add that we can't do anything to his body. We can't even inject him either medicine." She says.

"Why not?" King Ace asks stepping forward with a furious face.

"Everything that touches his body melts. We had to put him on a wolf proof and laced bed just so the bed wouldn't melt away." She explains with wide eyes.

"Can we see him?" I ask hopefully.

"Of course right this way." She says leading us upstairs.

We reach his room and almost immediately a tear escapes my eyes as I see his pale body not showing any signs at life. I walk over to him and before the doctor can tell me not to touch him I rest my hand on his arm. Only feeling the pleasurable burn of the sparks crawling up and down my hand.

"How come he did not burn you?" She asks amazed.

"Nothing about his body was made to hurt me." I explain quietly resting my head head on him.

"Do you think you could inject this medicine into him?" She asks showing me a needle full of purple liquid.

I nod my head and she guides me on where to place the needle. Once I'm right above a vessel in his arm I push the needle in and inject the medicine.

I expect some type of movement from him because he hates needles but he's like a dead man sitting in the off white hospital bed.

"Hey Aiden...It's me Dani. I just want you to know when you wake up I'm fighting you for causing me this stress. But need to wake up. People need you. Me and the baby need you." I say gently kiss his forehead. Even then his body still looks completely lifeless.

" who stitched him together?" The doctor says looking around at us.

"I did ma'am." Anna says stepping forward uncomfortably.

"Well you did do a great job but the stitches were not tight enough meaning as he moved around the whole day the stitches kept coming loose. And finally they just came out. Oh and you can't use regular stitching on him meaning even if the stitches were tighter his skin would've just pushed them out." The doctor explains holding up the no longer white string with tweezers.

"I- I am so sorry I didn't know-"

"It's fine. We all would've made that mistake." I say placing a hand on her shoulder.

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