Ch. 26

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Dani POV
We're all in the Kitchen eating a breakfast Piper made which is surprosingly delicious.

And of course her and Caden are over there being adorable by Caden holding her securely by her waist whispering something in her ear causing her to blush.

"So...what was our child hood like?" Aiden asks taking a sip of his orange juice.

" was definitely a interesting one." Jaylyn laughs out.

Right as we are about to start sharing memories a guard mind links us all telling us a rogue is on our land.

We all get up but Aiden sits me back down. "You're staying here." He says with a stern face. "What? No I'm not." I say standing back up.

"Dani you're pregnant you're staying. End of discussion."

"And your memory is gone." I argue back. I didn't even mean for it to slip out of my mouth but it did and before I can apologize for what I said he frowns at me and turns around.

"You're staying here." He says ending the discussion running out the door with the others.

Even Gabby and Piper went.

I sigh and raid the kitchen before heading to me and Aiden's room.

I didn't even mean to say it. I mumble kicking a shirt that's on the floor.

'But you did say it...' Jasiri tells me. And it's the first time I've heard her in a long time but distracted by the conversation I whine.

'But it's not fair. Everyone has their mate and is living happily ever after while mine can't even remember me.' Dang I really just said it. My mate can't remember me. I envie two of my friends who have a great relationship with their mates now. They didn't have to be apart from their mates, they didn't have to see the most painful scars on their mate's body, and they don't have to look their mate in the eyes knowing they don't remember anything about you.

'It's not his fault he can't remember.' Jasiri points out making a valid statement. And I know she's right. It's not his fault, but I can't help but be mad about the fact my own father basically took my mate away from me.

Aiden's POV

'I don't think we should get mad at her over something this small.' My wolf says with compassion laced around his tone.

'I know...I shouldn't have reacted so coldly but for now let's deal with this rogue. Then we can go play lover boy.' I respond closing our link. I look ahead to my sister smelling the air with a confused look.

"This strange." She mutters under her breath but we all caught it.

Suddenly a white wolf with a patch of black fur of his eye jumps out from behind a tree and eyes Jaylyn down.

And a memory tugs at my mind.


"JayJay you're not wearing this." I growl at her 

"Aiden it's only a croptop." Jaylyn wines as her brother gives her a look of annoyance, "'ve went to school without a shirt on before." Jaylyn argues.

"Touché....the first guy to flirt with you is going to get their nose broke." I grumble.

And not a surprise as soon as they reach the school guys stare at Jaylyn. But only one was bold enough to approach her 

"Hey mama's you coming to my party later tonight?"

"No. She isn't-"


"Shit...that's my mate." Jaylyn mutters.

" I have a reason to beat his ass." Damien growls clenching his fist shifting into his hybrid. 

"DAMIEN! NO!" Jaylyn yells jumping in front of Damien also shifting growling at her brother.

"Wait...your features seem familiar." I mumble. My head starts to hurt so I ignore the pain in hopes it gets better.

"Guys can we wrap this up...I have a pregnant mate to get back to."

"Yea...I know Dani is upset we left her there." Gabby says from behind Damiens large wolf.

The white wolf head snaps toward Gabby causing Damien's lips to curl up with a warning growl.

The white wolf yawns pissing Damien off more than he already was and my headache gets worst and worst.

"Guys can we please just investigate this guy and go home." I say a little louder.

But again I am ignored.

But to everyone's surprise the guy shifts back and he looks a lot like his wolf surprisingly.

He has snow white hair that was obviously dyed and a odd black curl dangling in front of his right eyed. He has a long scar over his right eye and a devilish smirk is on his face.

"I heard there was others like me and I just had to see if it was true." He taunts leaning against a tree.

" brother already wants to murder you can you just shut the hell up." Caden groans kicking a rock.

"I just came to check this place out since I wanted to know if the rumors were true...looks like their not."

Ok I'm done being nice.

Bullet takes control of my body and the flames develop over me. "CAN WE JUST FUCKING GET THIS OVER WITH SO WE CAN GO HOME!" And after I get that off my chest I get back control.

"Well you didn't have to yell..." Caden mumbles.

"Oh...this is interesting." The white headed idiot says smirking walking closer to me.

"Hey back up snowbunny." Caden growls stepping forward in front of me with a curled up lip.

He ignores Caden and Caden rolls his eyes as his eyes go completely silver for a second and soon two ghost are holding the snowbunny back.

"Looks like I found y'all..." The stranger mutters looking back at the ghost holding him back.

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