Ch. 9

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Danielle's POV

I wake up drenched in sweat and notice Gabby is already up moving around.

I do a quick stretch and head to her bathroom so I can brush my teeth and take a quick shower.

"HEY! Can you pass me my makeup bag?" Gabby asks throughout the door. I wrap the towel around me and hand her the bag. After brushing my teeth I get dressed and me and Gabby head down to the kitchen.

"Do you need help carrying anything?" A boy asks walking up to me.

"As if she'd want your help." Another scoffs.

Aiden walks up to me and growls at the boys giving me extra attention. "No she's too busy with me. Now go." Aiden says pushing them out the door.

"You didn't have to be so pushy. I liked the attention." I say curling a string of my hair with my finger.

"No you don't." He growls. I look at Gabby to see her looking around the room. Damien I'm going to rip your balls out of your sack and shove them down your throat.

As soon as I'm about to think of other ways I can kill him he walks up behind Gabby and hugs her. "I'm....sorry." He whispers in her ear hugging her tightly. I make a face saying I told you so to her and she just glares at me.

"I want a frappe." I say to Aiden.

"Specifically a McDonald's. Cold Carmel Frappe." I say smiling.

"Dani. McDonalds is in human territory. We will be late for school if we go way over there." Aiden says looking at his phone.

"But school rules are if you go through heat you and your mate automatically don't have to go to school until we've mated." I say pouting.

"So..." Aiden mumbles not looking up at me.

"Yeah and I want a BIG MAC...and a frappe too!" Gabby squeals.

"No." Damien says checking his phone.

I look at Aiden to see him glued to his phone and look at Gabby and smile. She smiles back and we turn around putting our hand in front of their phone.

"Aiden Sweetie. Did I mention you look sexy right now." I say tracing my finger over his arm tattoo. Which is a wolf with fangs and blood dripping down the tooth.

"Dani that's not going to work on me." He says looking pass his phone down at me.

"And did I mention that........" I say whispering the last part in his ear.

Time Skip.

"Hey I would like to order your Big Mac with- lettuce and ketchup only- and your cold frappe with Carmel." Aiden says out to the cashier.

I high five Gabby and we smile.

Damien orders Gabby's order and now we have two pouting wolves.

"We've become those types of boyfriends." Damien mumbles to Aiden.

"Indeed we have." Aiden mumbles back. Me and Gabby are standing behind them laughing our tails off.

Suddenly a human group of girls walk up to us twirling their hair around their fingers. "Hi my name is Tala." The brunette says winking at Aiden and putting her hand out for him to shake it.

Instantly my smile drops and I look at her. "And my name is Danielle. This is my boyfriend Aiden." I say smiling taking her hand.

"Didn't ask." She says smiling back bitterly.

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