Ch. 16

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Danielle's POV

Here I am throwing up the little food I've eaten. "Eat they say. Eating is good for you they say. Danielle you need to eat they say." Well fuck y'all liars. I'm in the worst pain of my life and yet all hear is to fucking eat before I starve.

"I. Hate. Life." I groan before throwing up into the toilet.

Aiden. You could've at least given me round nineteen before leaving me just like that because I'm horny, angry, sad, sick, and hungry.

I flush the toilet and exit the room. Aiden's scent is becoming more faint and faint each day that passes. I walk in front of the door and realize this will be my first time leaving the room since Aiden ordered the guard to drag me here.

I open the door and I feel very light headed but I ignore the feeling assuming it has to do with being marked, fully mated, and being so far away from my mate.

I think I'm going to visit the pack doctor tomorrow. This separation thing may be killing my wolf. Hence why I'm so sick. I really hope that's not the case.

I walk downstairs and I notice how everyone have grim looks on their face. No one is joking around and not one pervert has walked up to me.

....very unusual.

I try to avoid everyone as I walk to the kitchen before my mom finds out I left the room. "DANIELLE!" A loud voice shrieks. I hear a lot of ows, heys, and shoves coming my way.

I turn around and there is my crazy mother pushing people out of the way. "Baby..." she says hugging me tight.

A lot of eyes are now on me and shock is shown in their eyes.

"I thought she died."
"Where has she been."
"Isn't she the girl that ignored King Ace's order?"
"She's gotten skinny."
"I can't believe what she's going through."
"She bares Prince Aiden's Mark."
"Her scent is intertwined with his."

I shake my head and try to push away the thought before I crawl back into my hole and cry for another month.

I suck it up and reach in the fridge. "Sit. Down." My mother says pulling me towards a chair.


My mom moves around the kitchen and within ten minutes there's a plate full of food shoved in my face.

I basically gulp down the food and lick the plate clean. "Where is Gabby?" I ask wiping my mouth.

"She should be in the pack garden along with your little friend group." My mom says taking my plate.

"Oh did her and Damien ever finish their mating ceremony?" I ask knowing their ceremony got interrupted by...the events of that day.

"Honestly you barely see Damien around the house and from what I know of Gabby doesn't bare his mark. I know they've mated because she's no longer in heat." My mom explains.

Strange. When mates mate they usually mark their mate. How come Damien hasn't marked Gabrielle?

I walk to the garden and I'm met with laughter. I look around and I see beautiful flowers and birds flying around. As I'm looking around I notice there are extra guards surrounding the place. A guard walks up to me and introduces hisself.

"Hello I am your personal guard. My name is Elias. I am ordered by the King to protect you at all causes." He says shaking my hand.

"Oh I don't need a guard." I say smiling warmly.

"Sorry princess but now that you bare the mark of the next king you are in danger 24/7. And the man could always return for you now that he has Prince Aiden." The two words Prince Aiden echo inside my head and I try to shake the thought away. Don't cry Danielle. This is only your first time hearing his name out loud in a while.

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