ch. 10

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This chapter may or may not get mature ⚠️

Here I am sitting in my Mates Ed class suffering as my teach goes on and on about how beatiful the mating ceremony is. And plus all anyone is even talking about is Aiden killing those guys. And how it's all my fault.

When all I want is a big tub of ice cream, chocolate and a tv that has Netflix.

"Now let's speak about what happens if the pair does not mate within the first few days." She says and suddenly my ears perk up and I actually start paying attention.

"The pair's wolves would become highly agitated about the fact their mate is walking around unmarked and unmated. The male will become more overbearing and the female will be come irritable easily. The male can become more dominant if of high ranking and how dominant depends on how high his rank is. The female will become more sexually attracted to other guys or females if she feels her mate won't show her the attention she craves." She says gesturing her hands around.

Guys I don't think I ever gave her a name but for now on it will be Mrs. May.

"Maybe if the female learned how to close her legs the male wouldn't kill innocent people." Jarred says. That hurt. I tense up and start acting like I'm taking notes.

"And maybe if guys stopped fucking with my mate they wouldn't be dead." Aiden says standing up looking directly at Jarred. Jarred pipes down and bares his neck.

I look at Aiden to see him back sitting down and back to doing the same two motions twirling his pencil in his hand and biting his lip.

I quickly look away and when the bell ring I'm the first out of the door. As I'm walking to my Wolf History class I'm pulled into a janitors closet. I'm about to punch whatever's in my way until the intoxicating scent hits me and the sparks explode through my body.


"Aiden I have class." I say trying to turn around. But it only causes my butt to be pressed against him.

"Shit." I mumble. And it just had to be the day he wore sweat pants.

"Aiden..." I breathe out.

"Danielle I apo-" I stop him before he can say the word.

"Don't. Because we were both in the wrong. I had no right to pull the I will mate with someone else card and you had no right to say what you said. We were both in the wrong." I say turning around staring up into his beautiful hazel brown eyes.

He smiles down at me and places one hand on my face. "How did we get to where we hated each other to now where I can't bare to be away from you." He says kissing the top of my forehead.

I smile under his touch and wonder how could I ever have been mad at him over something so small. "Now you have a History class to get to." He says opening the door. "Don't you have a free period right now?" I ask turning around.

"You know my schedule?" He asks shocked. "Well duh don't you know mine?" I say raising a eyebrow.

"Touché" He says.

I walk into my class and I see Gabby smiling. "Ooh looks like you and Aiden are back cool." She says smiling. I roll my eyes and sit down next to her.

But of course Haley is in this class. I actually forgot all about her. When the bell rings I walk to my locker but of course Haley and Jewel follows me. "Hey bitch. Missed me?" Haley asks winking.

I roll my eyes and ignore her until she grabs my arm turning me towards her. "Don't ignore me. I just wanted to tell you that Aiden and Damien has chosen me and Jewel as their mating partners. He just told me." I wonder if she knows he was just breathing down my neck before class?

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