Ch. 13

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Honestly I don't want to write a bunch of smut again. The first time I wrote it I was cringing so hard. So please respect this decision of mine.

We walk inside and is met with a small door. By small door I mean I had to crouch to go through.

When we reach the other side we see a hot tub that is surrounded by purple and white flowers with candles lit all around the tub.

I look to the right to see about eight bottles of different colored liquids on a table. I also see a wooden bowl fool of some blue dust.

"Your majesties May you please strip?" I remain calm. I mean I'm pretty sure none of them will care that Aiden is naked anyways. He's like a sixteenth of their age probably.

I'm completely naked and so is Aiden. Lust feels both of our eyes and I take a deep breath so I can resist from jumping on him.

I quickly look back at the women to see them mixing up different stuff in vampire speed. One of the women lead us to steaming water. And I hesitate before getting in.

I slowly put my foot in and I'm surprised at how relaxing the water feels even though only my foot touched the water. I go on in until the water is at my breasts. There's a place to sit on the side of the hot tub so I take a seat and I feel so relaxed. The pain is still there but it's numbed.

Aiden takes a seat next to me and I can tell he's at peace so that makes me more at peace.

The women tell me to come over where they are at so I do. They rub this oil on their hands and tell me to sit in the water. Their hands roam my body and at first it's so weird to feel someone else's hand roam my body other than Aiden's. But then the oil starts to feels nice. And I actually accidentally let out a moan. Me being in heat and them touching my body feels nice.

After a while they start to massage the oil in. "Now exactly what we did to you you do to him." The vampire says after rubbing my back. I nod my head and they pass me a bowl full of the clear oil they rubbed on me.

I walk over to him and I can see his eyes darken. I smirk and get on my knees down next to him. I place the oil on my hands and rub my hands together I put my hands on his chest and start to rub his body I trail my hand lower in to the water to where my hands are now rubbing his abs. I tease him by going lower causing him to take deep breaths. But all too soon I take my hands and gently place them on his neck rubbing the oil in.

"Dani-" I cut him off trailing my hands down lower to his v line he takes in a sharp breath and lets his head rest on my arm. My hand wraps around his shaft and since I have to rub the oil all over his body...

So I do what I have to do. "Ok it's time for the next ritual now that you two are covered in the sacred oil." The shorter vampire says walking towards an another door. "This part will be painful. This is where we help your two different species of spirit animals tie the golden bond together. We have to do this because sometimes if the two different species are not the same they will reject each other and mating will be almost impossible." She finishes.

We walk in side the room and candles are everywhere. In the middle are two beds?

"Um Why are there dog beds in here?" I ask pointing at the beds.

"Your going to shift. But the human side will remain in control." She says clapping her hands together.

"Wait how painful is this going to be?" Aiden asks.

"Very. Now please shift." She says sternly.

Aiden rolls his eyes while I am taking deep breaths. "I will be with you every step of the way." I see that the females lock there selves in a silver laced cage. "What's with the cage?" I ask confused

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